引用本文:郝东来,李章强,于强,王英魁. SVDS脱硫技术在硫磺回收装置的工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 32-36.
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为了满足GB 31570-2015《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》的规定,提升区域环境质量,对广泛应用于催化烟气的脱硫技术进行了适应性改造,增加了气-气换热器和高效除雾器等设备,形成适合硫磺回收装置的文丘里脱硫技术(SVDS),并在独山子石化硫磺回收装置进行了工业应用。改造后,排放烟气中SO2质量浓度从300 mg/m3降至30 mg/m3以下,满足GB 31570-2015中特别排放限值地区SO2质量浓度的排放要求。在文丘里脱硫技术运行过程中,先后出现气-气换热器压降升高及碱液泵泵壳和叶轮腐蚀的问题,并制定了相应的解决措施,保证了碱洗设施的长周期运行。 
关键词:  SVDS脱硫  尾气  超低排放  气-气换热器  高效除雾器
Industrial application of SVDS desulfurization technology in sulfur recovery unit
Hao Donglai, Li Zhangqiang, Yu Qiang, Wang Yingkui
Oil Refinery of PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, China
In order to meet the requirments of GB 31570-2015 Emission Standard for Pollutants in Petroleum Refining Industry, and improve regional environmental quality, the desulfurization technology widely used in catalytic flue gas has been modified adaptively, the gas-gas heat exchanger and high efficiency demister has been added, and the Venturi desulfurization technology (SVDS) suitable for sulfur recovery unit has been formed. The Venturi desulfurization technology was applied in sulfur recovery unit of Dushanzi Petrochemical Company. After transformation, the SO2 mass concentration in flue gas reduced from 300 mg/m3 to less than 30 mg/m3, which met the requirements of GB 31570-2015 about SO2 mass concentration emission limit in special emission limit areas. During the operation process of Venturi desulfurization technology, some problems such as the pressure drop of gas-gas heat exchanger raised and corrosion of pump casing and impeller of lye pump occurred successively. Corresponding measures were formulated to ensure the long period operation of alkaline cleaning facilities.
Key words:  SVDS desulfrization  tail gas  ultra-low emission  gas-gas heat exchanger  high efficient demister