引用本文:蒋洪,李浩玉,杨冬磊,张兴国,马亦德,潘磊. SRC乙烷回收工艺改进及综合对比分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 49-57, 63.
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基于SRC乙烷回收工艺提出了节能的富气乙烷回收改进工艺流程,选择了国内6种富原料气作为基础数据,采用经济和热力学分析方法综合对比分析了RSV及SRC改进流程SRCR。在富气条件下,对比分析结果表明:①冷箱内部板翅式换热器几何结构极大地影响其投资成本,在不同气质工况下,同一冷箱内部板翅式换热器结构基本相同,略有差异;②与应用广泛的RSV流程比较,SRCR改进流程年操作成本平均降低4.38百万美元,节能潜力明显;③SRCR乙烷回收工程运行工况下的FNPV均大于零,能满足基准收益率要求的盈利水平,项目投资净利润较大;④在不同富气条件下,SRCR流程均表现出很好的适应性,且气质不同,节能效果有所不同。 
关键词:  乙烷回收  SRC流程改进  板翅式换热器  经济和热力学对比分析
SRC process improvement and comprehensive comparative analysis for ethane recovery
Jiang Hong1, Li Haoyu1, Yang Donglei2, Zhang Xingguo2, Ma Yide2, Pan Lei2
1. School of Oil and Gas Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Oil and Gas Field Oil and Gas Transportation and Marketing Department, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, Xinjiang, China
Based on the supplemental rectification with compression(SRC) process for ethane recovery,an improved and energy-saving process on rich gas is proposed in this paper. Six kinds of rich gas in domestic are selected as basic data, and economic and thermodynamic analysis methods are used to comprehensively compare and analyze the recycle split vapor(RSV) process and improved process of SRC (SRCR). Under rich gas conditions, the comparative analysis results show that:(1) The geometric structure of the plate-fin heat exchanger inside the cold box greatly affects its investment cost, and under different feed conditions, the structure of the plate-fin heat exchanger inside the same cold box is basically the same with a slight difference;(2) Compared with the widely used RSV process, the operating cost of SRCR process is reduced by an average of 4.38 million dollars per year, and the energy saving potential is obvious;(3) The financial net present value(FNPV) under the operating conditions of the SRCR ethane recovery project is greater than zero, which can meet the benchmark yield requirements profitability, the net profit of project investment is relatively large;(4)Under different rich gas conditions, SRCR process shows good adaptability, and different feed conditions, the energy-saving effect is different.
Key words:  ethane recovery  SRC process improvement  plate-fin heat exchanger  comparative analysis of economy and thermodynamics