引用本文:吴雪峰,李安英,高继峰,麻宏强. 含硫烟气酸露点实验及预测模型研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 58-63.
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为精准预测含硫烟气酸露点,设计并搭建了含硫烟气酸露点测试实验台,测试了烟气中SO3蒸气和H2O蒸气对烟气酸露点的影响规律。结果 表明:烟气酸露点随着烟气中SO3蒸气分压的升高而增加,酸露点与SO3蒸气分压成对数关系;烟气酸露点随着H2O蒸气分压不断增加而升高,但升高较为缓慢,含硫烟气酸露点与H2O蒸气分压成线性关系。通过关联式的对比分析可知,Haase公式与实验数据的吻合度较好,但是在SO3蒸气分压较大时,Haase公式计算结果低于实验结果,基于该缺点并结合实验数据提出了新的酸露点模型。以上结论为确定含硫烟气酸露点及防止设备腐蚀提供了参考。 
关键词:  含硫烟气  酸露点  模型预测
Study on acid dew point experiment and model prediction for sulfide-containing flue gas
Wu Xuefeng1, Li Anying1, Gao Jifeng2, Ma Hongqiang1,2
1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China;2. Sinopec Zhongyuan Petroleum Engineering Design Corporation, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
To accurately predict the acid dew point of sulfide-containing flue gas, an experimental platform is designed and built to test the influence of sulfur trioxide vapor and water vapor on the acid dew point. The results show that the acid dew point increases with the increase of partial pressure of sulfur trioxide vapor in flue gas, and there is a logarithmic relationship between the partial pressure of sulfur trioxide vapor and the acid dew point. The acid dew point of flue gas rises slowly as the partial pressure of water vapor increases. There is a linear relationship between the partial pressure of water vapor and the acid dew point of flue gas. Through the comparative analysis of the correlation, Haase formula is in good agreement with the experimental datum. However, the calculated results of Haase formula are more than the experimental results at larger partial pressure of sulfur trioxide vapor. According to this shortcoming and combined with the experimental datum, a new acid dew point model is proposed. The above conclusions can provide a reference for determining the acid dew point of flue gas and preventing equipment corrosion.
Key words:  sulfide-containing flue gas  acid dew point  model prediction