引用本文:王传平,吕小明,李英杰,刘俊麟,朱琳,饶何隆. 凝析气田高效回收乙烷技术研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 64-70.
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某凝析气田为了实现长期稳定生产,将实施增压及深冷提效工程,通过提高天然气中乙烷、液化气等资源的回收率综合提升气田的开发效益。处理站内已建浅冷装置的所有设备及功能均原地保留,不作任何更改,原有的自控系统、辅助生产系统等也均保留原功能不变。新建深冷装置在现有生产分离器、湿气脱固体杂质装置和凝析油稳定装置基础上新建1套分子筛脱水装置,以满足深冷凝液装置的最低温度(-106 ℃),轻烃回收采用RSV工艺,乙烷回收率达到95%,提高了天然气处理厂的经济效益,为凝析气田中后期提效改造摸索出了一套行之有效的方法。 
关键词:  凝析气田  乙烷回收  处理站  增压  深冷  提效
Research and application of high efficient recovery technology of ethane in condensate gas field
Wang Chuanping1, Lyu Xiaoming1, Li Yingjie1, Liu Junlin1, Zhu Lin1, Rao Helong2
1. No.1 Gas Production Plant, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay, Xinjiang, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In order to realize long-term stable production, the boosting and deep cooling efficiency project is implemented in a condensate gas field and the development efficiency of the gas field by raising the recovery rate of ethane and liquefied gas in natural gas is improved comprehensively. All equipment and functions of the original shallow cooling unit in the treatment station are kept in place without any change. The original automatic control system and auxiliary production system are also kept unchanged. The existing production separator, moisture desolidated impurity installation and condensate oil stabilization device for the old use will be used in the new deep cooling unit and at the same time, a new molecular sieve dehydration unit is used to meet the minimum temperature of -106 ℃ of deep condensate unit, and RSV process is adopted for light hydrocarbon recovery process. The recovery rate of ethane reaches 95%, which improves the economic benefits of natural gas treatment plant, and an effective measure for the improvement of efficiency in the middle and later stage of condensate gas field is obtained.
Key words:  condensate gas field  ethane recovery  processing station  pressurization  cryogenic cooling  efficiency improvement