引用本文:张秋萍,李森,陈燕飞. 关于GB 11174-2011《液化石油气》的修订建议[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 101-107.
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关于GB 11174-2011《液化石油气》的修订建议
GB 11174-2011《液化石油气》是液化石油气国家产品标准,发布至今已将近10年,部分检测项目试验方法已不再适应当前的发展形势,建议对其进行修订:①将组成的质量指标修订为主要烃类组分(C3和C4)总量不小于95%(体积分数),二甲醚和C5及C5以上烃类总量不大于3%(体积分数);②试验方法推荐使用NB/SH/T 0230-2019《液化石油气组成的测定 气相色谱法》中系统2;③将总硫检测项目试验方法修订为SN/T 4117-2015《液化石油气和气态烃中总挥发性硫测定 紫外荧光光度法》;④相关组织尽快编制用气相色谱法测定LPG中硫化氢含量的方法标准并积极推行应用;⑤将蒸发残留物项目试验方法修订为GB/T 30518-2014《液化石油气中可溶性残留物的测定 高温气相色谱法》。实验结果显示,上述方法在实际LPG样品组分、总硫含量、硫化氢含量和残留物含量4个项目的检测上展现出良好的应用性和适应性。 
关键词:  液化石油气  GB 11174  试验方法  组分  总硫  硫化氢  蒸发残留物
Revision recommendations of GB 11174-2011 Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Zhang Qiuping1,2, Li Sen1,2, Chen Yanfei1,2
1. Wuhan Weighs and Measures Institute, Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. Hubei Gas Fuel Product Quality Supervision Center, Wuhan, Hubei, China
GB 11174-2011 Liquefied Peteroleum Gas is the national product standard of liquefied petroleum gas(LPG). Almost ten years have passed away since its publication and most of the test methods of the inspection items are not suitable for the current development situation. So it’s time to revise GB 11174-2011. The items of the contents of LPG should be revised as follows:(1) the total content of the major hydrocarbons(C3 and C4) should not be less than 95%(volume fraction) while that of other components like dimethyl ether and hydrocarbons(C5 and C5 beyond) should not be more than 3%(volume fraction).(2) The system 2 in NB/SH/T 0230-2019 Determination of Composition in Liquefied Petroleum Gases by Gas Chromatography is recommended as the test method.(3) Meanwhile, the ultraviolet fluorescence method is recommended as the test method of the item of total sulfur content in LPG as the standard SN/T 4117-2015 Determination of Total Volatile Sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gases and Gasous Hydrocarbons by Ultraviolet Fluorescence.(4) Besides, the national standard about the determination of hydrogen sulfide in LPG by gas chromatography should be organized and advanced as soon as possible.(5) Gas chromatography is also recommended as the test method of the determination of LPG residues as the national standard GB/T 30518-2014 Determination of Dissolved Residues of Liquefied Petroleum Gases High Temperature Gas Chromatographic Method. The test results show good applicability and adaptability on the test of the components, the total sulfur content, the determination of hydrogen sulfide and residues of LPG by the above methods.
Key words:  liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)  GB 11174-2011  test method  composition  total sulfur  hydrogen sulfide  evaporation residues of LPG