引用本文:杨博丽,徐迎新,张冕. 复合菌剂固定床修复油泥的应用条件研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 120-125.
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以长庆油田油泥为研究对象,设计了一套固定床式生物修复装置并进行实验。对影响复合微生物菌剂的修复效果相关因素进行优化,包括温度、通气、水分、石油含量、盐含量、菌剂及营养剂添加量。实验结果表明,在w(石油)低于8%,w(盐)低于20 000 mg/kg时,最佳生物修复条件为w(石油类物质)为 5%、w(水)为25%、每隔12 h通气1 h、流量60 L/min、温度30 ℃。在长庆油田陇东华HXX井场经过20天现场试验,w(石油类物质)由83.1 g/kg降低为3.7 g/kg,微生物菌落总数高达89.63×107 cfu/g,石油降解率为95.5%,相关指标满足含油污泥处理标准的要求。 
关键词:  微生物菌剂  油泥  固定床  生物修复
Study on the application of compound microbial agent in the remediation of oil sludge by fixed bed
Yang Boli, Xu Yingxin, Zhang Mian
Changqing Downhole Technology Operating Company, PetroChina Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Limited Company, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
A set of fixed-bed bioremediation device was designed to treat the oily sludge in Changqing Oilfield. The factors related to the remediation effect of the compound microbial agent were optimized, including temperature, ventilation, moisture, oil content, salt content, microbial agent and nutrients addition amount. The experimental results showed that when the oil content was less than 8% and the salt concentration was less than 20 000 mg/kg, the optimal bioremediation conditions were as follows:oil mass fraction 5%, water mass fraction 25%, ventilating for 1 h every 12 h, flow rate 60 L/min, temperature 30 ℃. After 20 days of field test at Hua HXX well site in Longdong, Changqing oilfield, the mass fraction of petroleum substances was reduced from 83.1 g/kg to 3.7 g/kg, and the degradation rate was 95.6 %. The total number of microorganisms was up to 89.63×107 cfu/g, and the oil degradation rate was 95.5%. The relevant indicators could meet the requirements of oily sludge treatment standards.
Key words:  microbial agent  oily sludge  fixed bed  bioremediation