引用本文:瞿杨,雷恒,蒋吉强,涂婷娟,罗东,代超. Cansolv中和废水对废水处理装置的影响分析及处理措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 126-130.
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关键词:  Cansolv  废水处理  中和废水  影响分析  处理措施
Effect analysis and technical solution of Cansolv neutralized wastewater on the wastewater treatment unit
Qu Yang, Lei Heng, Jiang Jiqiang, Tu Tingjuan, Luo Dong, Dai Chao
PetroChina Natural Gas Purification Plant General, Chongqing, China
The neutralized water produced from acidic and alkaline wastewater from the Cansolv device were associated with high-temperature, large generation, and high COD and reductive sulfur contents. The acceptance of this neutralized wastewater would lead to a series of problems in the wastewater treatment unit. It would cause long-term full liquid level of equalization tank in waste water treatment unit, life attenuation of reverse osmosis membrane, treatment efficiency decreasing, serious pipeline blockage of evaporation crystallization device, and affect the quality of condensate return water and salt production. In this study, process optimization were conducted to reduce the amount of the neutralized wastewater, including adjusting the drainage position of acidic wastewater to reduce the temperature of the neutralized wastewater, adjusting the vent temperature of the Venturi pipe combination tower outlet, strengthening the exhaust incinerator wind distribution operation, enhancing the acid removal capacity of the wet electric defoiler, replacing the ion exchange resin and optimizing the operation procedures of the amine purification device to improve the salt removal capacity. Besides, the ozone catalytic oxidation device was added to reduce the COD and reductive sulfur content in the wastewater. The above-mentioned measures may contribute the steady operation of the wastewater treatment units in the natural gas purification plant.
Key words:  Cansolv  wastewater treatment  neutralized wastewater  effect analysis  treatment measure