引用本文:吴钰. 液硫池防腐层失效原因分析及修复措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 13-19.
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目的 液硫池作为硫磺回收装置重要的硫磺储存和脱气处理设施,运行环境恶劣,易发生防腐层失效等问题,影响装置安全运行。因此,提出了解决液硫池防腐层失效问题的预防及修复措施。方法 通过行业调研,总结了液硫池防腐层的主要失效形式、易发生失效的部位等。采用理论分析、样品分析等方式对失效原因进行了分析,提出了液硫池防腐层失效机理和发展进程。通过现场试验,确定了增加不锈钢内衬的修复方案。结果 现场试验结果表明,不锈钢内衬运行良好,各项参数明显提升。结论 引起液硫池防腐层失效的主要原因是渗水、保温效果差、H2S燃爆及施工质量问题。内衬不锈钢板能彻底解决防腐层损坏和渗水等问题,为同类装置提供了参考。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  液硫池  防腐层  失效  修复
Failure cause analysis and repair measures of anticorrosive coating for liquid sulfur pool
Wu Yu
Puguang Branch of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield, Dazhou, Sichuan, China
Objective The liquid sulfur pool is important sulfur storage and degassing treatment facility for sulfur recovery unit, which has poor operation environment and is easily result to failure of anticorrosive coating, so it will affect the safe operation of the unit. Therefore, the prevention and repair measures were put forward to solve the failure of liquid sulfur pool anticorrosion coating. Methods Through industry investigation, the main failure forms and parts prone to failure of liquid sulfur poor anticorrosive coating were summarized. The failure reasons were analyzed by theoretical analysis and sample analysis, and the failure mechanism and development process of liquid sulfur poor anticorrosive coating were put forward. The restoration plan of adding stainless steel lining was determined by field test. Results The field test results showed that the stainless steel lining worked well and the parameters were improved obviously. Conclusion sThe main reasons for the failure of anticorrosive coating in liquid sulfur poor were water seepage, poor insulation effect, H2S explosion and poor construction quality. The inner stainless steel plate completely solved the problems of corrosive coating damage and water seepage, which provided a reference for similar devices.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  liquid sulfur pool  anticorrosive coating  failure  repair