引用本文:吴静贤,冯昊,王昊,周君尧,张文畅,张宏康,等. H2S与CH4重整制氢Mo/Al2O3催化剂的稳定性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 38-45, 52.
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目的 研究H2S/CH4重整制氢反应过程中,Mo/Al2O3催化剂在高CH4含量下的稳定性问题。方法 分别采用簇状结构Al2O3(Cluster Al2O3)和商业Al2O3(Com Al2O3)为载体制备了Mo/Al2O3催化剂,考查在常压800 ℃、n(H2S)∶n(CH4)= 1∶5、体积空速20 000 h-1的反应条件下,H2S和CH4的反应 速率以及H2生成速率随时间的变化;结合采用了SEM、XRD、HRTEM、BET、EA、TG、Raman以及NH3-TPD、CO2-TPD等多种表征分析手段与方法。结果 与Mo/Com Al2O3催化剂相比,Mo/Cluster Al2O3催化剂具有更好的催化活性和稳定性,其H2的初始生成速率达8.4 mmol/(g·min),为前者的3.8倍,20 h后的下降幅度也显著小于前者;Cluster Al2O3载体虽然比表面积较小,但所负载的活性MoS2颗粒分散性更好,且能保持高温稳定。结论 其原因可能与Cluster Al2O3表面拥有适宜的酸碱位强度及数量分布有关;同时,较小颗粒的MoS2活性位更多,使得Mo/Cluster Al2O3催化剂在反应过程中表现更稳定,并能在一定程度上抑制CH4裂解积炭。 
关键词:  硫化氢  甲烷  重整制氢  簇状氧化铝  硫化钼  稳定性
Stability research of Mo/Al2O3 catalysts during hydrogen sulfide reforming with methane for hydrogen production
Wu Jingxian, Feng Hao, Wang Hao, Zhou Junyao, Zhang Wenchang, Zhang Hongkang, Yin Yutong, Li Ping
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Objective It is to research the problem that Mo/Al2O3 catalyst is highly active for the reaction between H2S and CH4 to produce H2, but couldn’t sustain a long term stability especially in a condition of high CH4 content. Methods Two kinds of Mo/Al2O3 catalysts are compared in term of both H2S and CH4 reaction rates and H2 generation rate varying with reaction time on stream under the conditions of 0.1 MPa, 800 ℃, n(H2S)∶n(CH4) = 1∶5, and gas hourly space velocity of 20 000 h-1; and the various characterization and analysis techniques and methods are also used with SEM, XRD, HRTEM, BET, EA, TG, Raman and NH3-TPD/CO2-TPD. Results The Mo/Cluster Al2O3 catalyst prepared with the cluster structure Al2O3 as the supporter has a better catalytic activity and stability than the Mo/Com Al2O3 catalyst obtained with the commercial Al2O3 supporter. The H2 generation rate over the Mo/Cluster Al2O3 catalyst reached 8.4 mmol/(g·min) in the initial reaction stage, which was 3.8 times of the Mo/Com Al2O3 catalyst, and the decrease after 20 h is significantly less than the former; It is found that although the Cluster Al2O3 supporter possessed a lower specific surface area, the dispersion of active MoS2 particles supported on Cluster Al2O3 is better and can make MoS2 particles stabilized at high temperatures. Conclusion sThe reason could be assigned to the suitable acidic and alkaline strength and quantity distributions on the surface of Cluster Al2O3. Meanwhile, smaller-particle MoS2 has more edge-exposed active sites, which make Mo/Cluster Al2O3 catalyst perform more stable during the H2S/CH4 reforming reaction,and also can inhibit carbon deposition caused by CH4 cleavage to a certain extent.
Key words:  hydrogen sulfide  methane  hydrogen production by reforming  cluster Al2O3  MoS2  stability