引用本文:廉金龙,魏宏斌,景俊杰. 新型分散型抗垢剂在常减压装置的工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 32-37.
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目的 解决常减压装置运行过程中长期存在的严重结垢问题。方法 在装置运行初期和末期分别加注了一种新开发的分散型抗垢剂HK-17DC,对其清垢、防垢效果进行了验证。结果 加注该药剂后,装置运行末期减三中流量逐渐增大,维持在120~125 t/h,较加抗垢剂前提高20~25 t/h,初底油换热温差明显改善,基本维持在61~63 ℃,较加抗垢剂前提高了12~24 ℃;装置运行初期,减三中流量保持在245~252 t/h,较检修前上个周期运行初期增加了约125 t/h;初底油换热温差保持在66~69 ℃,较检修前上个周期运行初期升高约16 ℃。结论 该抗垢剂在高温下表现出良好的清垢防垢性能,长周期运行效果稳定,且对产品质量无不良影响,解决了常减压装置存在已久的结垢问题。 
关键词:  分散型抗垢剂  常减压蒸馏  清垢防垢
Industry application of new disperse anti-scaling agent in atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit
Lian Jinlong, Wei Hongbin, Jing Junjie
PetroChina Changqing Petrochemical Company, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China
Objective To solve the serious scaling problem of the atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit during operation. Methods A new dispersive anti-scaling agent HK-17DC was added at the initial and end stage of the operation of the unit to evaluate its removal and anti-scaling effect. Results After adding the agent, the flow rate of the reflux in the third middle section of vacuum tower gradually increased and remained between 120-125 t/h, it is 20-25 t/h higher than before adding the agent, and the oil heat exchange temperature difference at the bottom of the primary distillation tower was significantly improved, basically maintained at 61-63 ℃ at the end of the unit operation. During the initial operation of the unit, it was 12-24 ℃ higher than before, the flow rate of the reflux in the third middle section of vacuum tower was maintained at 245-252 t/h, compared with the initial period of operation before maintenance, it increased by 125 t/h, and the temperature difference of oil heat exchange at the bottom of the primary distillation tower was maintained at 66-69 ℃, compared with the initial period of operation before maintenance, it increased by 16 ℃. Conclusion sAt high temperature, the anti-scaling agent showed good scale removal and anti-scaling performance, the long-term operation effect was stable and had no adverse effect on the product quality. It solved the scaling problem of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit for a long time.
Key words:  disperse anti-scaling agent  atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit  scale removal and anti-scaling