引用本文:刘永辉. 天然气替代石脑油作为制氢装置原料分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 62-66.
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目的 某石化公司为了降低4×104 m3/h制氢装置的制氢成本、减少CO2排放,计划使用天然气替代石脑油作为制氢原料。方法 对制氢装置原料、现有流程及催化剂进行分析,优化不同原料工况下的工艺参数。结果 成功将天然气替代石脑油和炼厂气作为制氢原料,消除了装置原料改造后可能带来炉管超温的风险。结论 对比该制氢装置的天然气与石脑油工况,在装置加工负荷及工艺参数相差不大的情况下,使用天然气替代石脑油作原料,其能耗、产氢成本及碳排放量均降低。 
关键词:  制氢  天然气  原料  工艺参数  能耗  碳排放  成本
Analysis of natural gas replacing naphtha as raw material of hydrogen production
Liu Yonghui
PetroChina Guangxi Petrochemical Company, Qinzhou, Guangxi, China
Objective In order to reduce the cost and CO2 emission of 40×103 m3/h hydrogen production unit of a petrochemical company, natural gas instead of naphtha is planned to be used as the raw material for hydrogen production. Methods The raw materials, existing processes and catalysts were analyzed, and the process parameters under different raw material conditions were optimized. Results Natural gas is successfully used to replace naphtha and refinery gas as the raw material for hydrogen production and the risk of furnace tube over temperature after raw material transformation is eliminated. Conclusion sComparing the working conditions of natural gas and naphtha in the unit, when the processing load and process parameters are under the similar conditions, the energy consumption, hydrogen production cost and carbon emission of using natural gas as raw material are lower than naphtha.
Key words:  hydrogen production  natural gas  raw material  process parameter  energy consumption  carbon emission  cost