引用本文:杨书忠,殷丽秋,李皓月,谢英,孟瑾. LNG接收站到港贸易交接计量误差及影响因素分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 67-72, 77.
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1.中石化天津液化天然气有限责任公司 ;2.油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室·西南石油大学
目的 针对国家对LNG需求量的持续增加,提高LNG接收站的到港贸易计量准确性成为了重中之重。方法 通过LNG国际贸易交接的基本标准、基本特点和接收流程去分析误差产生的原因并同时利用误差传递理论去推导出计量误差的计算公式。结果 通过减少发热量测量误差,提高液位测量和气相色谱测量的准确性,从而减少LNG实例计算中的影响因素。结论 得到一个较为准确的计量误差率进而提高到港贸易计量准确性,为国内LNG接收站的计量误差计算和管理提供依据。 
关键词:  LNG接收站  到港交接  误差传递  计量误差  影响因素
Analysis of measurement errors and influencing factors of LNG receiving station's arrival trade transfer
Yang Shuzhong1, Yin Liqiu1, Li Haoyue1, Xie Ying2, Meng Jin2
1. Sinopec Tianjin Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective In response to the continuous increase in the country's demand for LNG, improving the measurement accuracy of arrival trade at LNG receiving stations has become a top priority. Methods The causes of errors are analyzed with the basic standards, basic characteristics, and receiving process of LNG international trade transfer, and at the same time the calculation formula of measurement errors is derived by using error propagation theory. Results By reducing the calorific value measurement error and improving the accuracy of liquid level measurement and gas chromatography measurement, the influencing factors in the calculation of the LNG example were reduced. Conclusion s A more accurate measurement error rate is obtained so as to improve the measurement accuracy of arrival trade, which can provide a basis for the measurement error calculation and management of domestic LNG receiving stations.
Key words:  LNG receiving station  arrival and delivery  error propagation  measurement error  influencing factor