引用本文:刘丁发,张强,王辉. 页岩气井口湿气流量计现场使用性能评价研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 94-97.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.中国石油天然气集团公司天然气质量控制和能量计量重点实验室
目的 选择典型的页岩气生产平台,采用自主设计的两相流量计现场比对测试橇,在不同生产工况下实验评估湿气流量计的现场使用性能。方法 分析了页岩气井口湿气流量测量的特点,考查了湿气流量计在页岩气井口不同气液流量下的性能特征。结果 测试流量范围内湿气流量计气相偏差为-6.07%~0.82%,液相偏差为-24.91%~96.49%,且随着气液两相流量的降低,被测湿气流量计的气液测量偏差逐渐增大。结论 湿气流量计的测量性能与气液流量等工况极为相关,需要进一步扩大实验规模和范围,同时尽快制定明确的湿气流量计技术需求指标,确保现场应用的湿气流量计满足页岩气生产需求。 
关键词:  湿天然气  湿气流量计  湿气测量  页岩气  性能评价
Field performance evaluation of wet gas flowmeter in shale gas wellhead
Liu Dingfa1,2, Zhang Qiang1,2, Wang Hui1,2
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Quality Control & Energy Measurement, CNPC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective A typical shale gas production platform was selected, and a self-designed two-phase flowmeter experimental device prizing was used to evaluate the field performance of the wet gas flowmeter under different production conditions. Methods The characteristics of wet flow measurement in shale gas wellhead are analyzed, and the performance characteristics of wet flowmeter in shale gas wellhead under different gas-liquid flow rates are investigated. Results Within the tested flow range, the deviation of gas flow metering result is between -6.07% and 0.82%, and the deviation of liquid flow metering result is between -24.91% and 96.49%. As the flow rate of gas-liquid two phase flow deceases, the measurement error of wet gas flowmeter increases gradually. Conclusion sThe measurement performance of wet gas flowmeter is closely related to gas-liquid flow and other working conditions, so it is necessary to further expand the scale and scope of the experiment, and formulate clear technical requirements indicators of wet gas flowmeter as soon as possible to ensure that the applied wet gas flowmeter can meet the demand of shale gas exploitation.
Key words:  wet gas  wet gas flowmeter  wet gas metering  shale gas  performance evaluation