引用本文:陈飞. 新型计量远程诊断系统技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 98-102, 109.
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目的 天然气计量管理是天然气贸易交接正常开展的重要保证,对天然气买卖双方均具有极大的经济效益影响力。计量设备数据异常定位在实际应用中难以及时发现,导致计量数据累积误差,可能产生较大的经济损失,计量管理人员迫切需要实用性工具以解决该问题。方法 通过对计量设备的数据异常来源的调研分析,建立了异常数据诊断指标体系,并基于对体系数据的实时监测,开发了一种新型计量远程诊断系统。结果 该远程诊断系统实现了实时在线计量诊断。系统出具诊断报告,指导现场检修。结论 使用此新型计量远程诊断系统节约了计量人员现场差旅及排除故障的时间、成本,并确保管道的运行稳定。 
关键词:  天然气  远程诊断系统  数据异常  快速定位  计量管理
Research on technology of new measurement remote diagnosis system
Chen Fei
PipeChina Sichuan to East Gas Pipeline Company, Wuhan, Hubei , China
Objective Natural gas measurement management is an important certificate to ensure the normal development of natural gas trade and transfer, and it has a great influence on the economic benefits of both natural gas buyers and sellers. It is difficult to find the abnormal positioning of measurement equipment data in real time in practical applications, which leads to accumulated errors in measurement data and may cause large economic losses. Measurement management personnel urgently need practical tools to solve this problem. Methods Based on the investigation and analysis of the abnormal data sources of the metering equipment, this paper establishes an abnormal data diagnosis indicator system, and based on the real-time monitoring of system data, a new type of measurement remote diagnosis system has been developed. Results The remote diagnosis system realizes real-time on-line measurement diagnosis. The system issues a diagnostic report to guide on-site maintenance. Conclusion sUsing this new metering remote diagnosis system saves the time and cost of metering personnel's on-site travel and troubleshooting, and escorts the stable operation of pipelines.
Key words:  natural gas  remote diagnosis system  abnormal data  fast positioning  metering management