引用本文:周军,肖瑶,孙建华,梁光川,彭井宏. 储气库地面工艺系统能效评价方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 110-115.
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目的 储气库地面系统作为储气库的核心部分,由于受注采气的双重影响,运行工况不稳定且能耗较大。为挖掘节能潜力点,解决储气库地面工艺系统能效评价体系方法不完善、评价界限不清晰的问题。方法 结合相关现行标准,采用德尔菲法构建了涵盖3层次15指标的储气库地面工艺系统能效评价指标体系,提出了一套基于层次分析法(AHP)与模糊函数法相结合的储气库地面工艺系统能效评价方法。结果 进行实例应用得到,储气库地面工艺系统在正常工况下能效评价得分为74.68,异常工况下能效评价得分为48.68。结论 所建立的能效评价指标体系及评价方法能合理地反映出储气库地面工艺系统正常和异常工况下的能效水平、适应性情况及所存在的问题。该评价方法的采用为储气库地面工艺系统节能工作的开展提供了依据及参考,对提高油气田企业及天然气管网公司能效水平具有重要意义。 
关键词:  储气库  能效  综合评价  AHP  模糊隶属度函数  节能降耗
Energy efficiency evaluation of underground gas storage ground process system
Zhou Jun1, Xiao Yao1, Sun Jianhua2, Liang Guangchuan1, Peng Jinghong1
1. College of Petroleum Engineeringl, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. PipeChina Zhongyuan Gas Storage Co., Ltd, Puyang, Henan, China
Objective As the core part of gas storage, the ground system of gas storage has unstable operation conditions and high energy consumption due to the dual influence of gas injection and production. The aim of this study was to tap energy-saving potential points and solve the problems of imperfect energy efficiency evaluation system method as well as the unclear evaluation boundary of surface process system of gas storage. Methods Combined with the current relevant standards, the Delphi method is used to establish the energy efficiency evaluation index system of gas storage ground process system covering 3 levels and 15 indices, and a set of energy efficiency evaluation method of gas storage ground process system is proposed based on the combination of analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and fuzzy function method. Results The demonstration application shows that the energy efficiency evaluation score of the surface process system of gas storage under normal and abnormal working conditions is 74.68 and 48.68, respectively. Conclusion sThe established energy efficiency evaluation index system and evaluation method can reasonably reflect the energy efficiency level, adaptability and existing problems of the surface process system of gas storage under normal and abnormal working conditions. The adoption of this evaluation method provides a basis and reference for the energy-saving work of surface process system of gas storage, and is of great significance to improve the energy efficiency level of oil and gas field enterprises and natural gas pipeline network companies.
Key words:  gas storage  energy efficiency  comprehensive evaluation  AHP  fuzzy membership function  energy conservation