引用本文:杨冰,孟元,陈坷铭,刘宇程,陈明燕. 不同铁基催化剂活化过硫酸钠修复石油污染土壤[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 116-120.
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1.西南石油大学化学化工学院 ;2.西南石油大学工业危废处置与资源化利用研究院 ;3.中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司安全环保质量监督检测研究院
目的 在活化过硫酸钠(Na2S2O8)体系处理石油污染土壤中,采用不同形态的铁基材料作为催化剂,进行石油烃的去除研究。方法 通过室内模拟实验,比较了3种铁基催化剂(柠檬酸亚铁、零价铁、四氧化三铁)活化Na2S2O8处理石油污染土壤,探究了氧化剂的持续性、污染物去除的有效性、可溶性碳氮含量和pH值的变化。结果 外加零价铁显著促进了石油污染土壤中总石油烃(TPH)的去除,反应10天后TPH去除率为53.39%,比对照组高出15.3%;外加铁基催化剂对溶解性有机碳和总氮含量的影响较大,后续若采用微生物手段联合修复,需要外加营养物质以调节至微生物生长适宜的碳氮磷比。结论 加入零价铁能够增加Na2S2O8有效利用率,进而提高对TPH去除的持续性和有效性。研究结果对采用更多类别的铁基材料活化过硫酸钠技术处理有机污染土壤具有一定的参考价值。 
关键词:  石油污染土壤  总石油烃  高级氧化  过硫酸钠  铁基材料
Remediation of petroleum contaminated soil with Na2S2O8 activated by different iron-based catalysts
Yang Bing1,2, Meng Yuan1, Chen Keming3, Liu Yucheng1,2, Chen Mingyan1,2
1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Research Institute of Industrial Hazardous Waste Disposal and Resource Utilization, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Safety and Environmental Protection Quality Supervision & Testing Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co., Ltd., Guanghan, Sichuan, China
Objective In the treatment of petroleum contaminated soil by activated persulfate system, different forms of iron-based materials were used as catalysts to remove petroleum hydrocarbons. Methods Sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) activated by three iron-based catalysts (ferrous citrate, zero valent iron and ferroferric oxide) were compared to treat petroleum contaminated soil through indoor simulation experiments. The persistence of oxidant, the effectiveness of pollutant removal, the change of soluble carbon and nitrogen content and pH value were investigated. Results The addition of zero valent iron significantly promoted the removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from petroleum contaminated soil. After 10 days of reaction, the removal rate of TPH was 53.39%, which is 15.3% higher than that of the control group. The addition of iron-based catalyst showed significant impact on the content of dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen. If microbial remediation is used in the follow-up, additional nutrients were needed to add to adjust the carbon nitrogen phosphorus ratio for microbial growth. Conclusion sThe addition of zero valent iron can increase the effective utilization of Na2S2O8, and then improve the sustainability and effectiveness of TPH removal. The results have a certain reference value for the treatment of organic contaminated soil by using persulfate technology activated by more types of iron-based materials.
Key words:  petroleum contaminated soil  TPH  advanced oxidation  persulfate  iron-based material