引用本文:杨健,许宁,周星,黄澔,诸葛伟,郝永梅. 天然气管道射流火焰危害影响维度分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 121-126.
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目的 为了研究射流火焰不同维度的危害影响的范围,采用气体泄漏模型,以流体力学基本原理为基础,通过FDS软件构建三维管道模型,分别模拟泄漏射流不同方向和维度的火焰状况。方法 将泄漏角度引入危害半径的计算,改进射流火焰危害范围评估模型,建立新的不同泄漏角度射流火焰的危害范围计算模型,并将模型计算值与数值模拟值对比。结果 对于火焰几何特性、热通量及温度分布情况,0°和30°方向的射流火焰均与90°方向的射流火焰存在较大差异。显然,90°方向的射流火焰危害范围更小。结论 改进后的危害范围预测模型与模拟结果吻合度较好,相较传统理论模型对各角度射流火灾危害范围的计算更加精确、全面。 
关键词:  射流火焰  天然气管道  泄漏方向  数值模拟  危害范围
Analysis on influence dimension of jet flame hazard in natural gas pipeline
Yang Jian1, Xu Ning1, Zhou Xing2, Huang Shu1, Zhu Gewei1, Hao Yongmei2
1. Changzhou Ganghua Gas Co., Ltd., Changzhou, Jiangsu, China;2. School of Environmental and Safety Engineering of Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Objective In order to study the influence range of different dimensions of jet flame, the gas leakage model was used. Based on the basic principles of fluid mechanics, a three-dimensional pipeline model was established by FDS software to simulate the flame conditions of different directions and dimensions of the leakage jet. Methods By introducing the leakage angle into the calculation of the hazard radius, the assessment model of the hazard range of jet flame was improved, and a new calculation model of the hazard range of jet flame with different leakage angles was established. The calculated values of the model were compared with the numerical simulation values. Results For the geometric characteristics of flame, thermal radiation value and temperature distribution, the jet flame in 0 ° and 30 ° directions is quite different from that in 90 ° direction. Obviously, the harm range of jet flame in 90 ° direction is smaller. Conclusion sThe improved hazard range prediction model is in good agreement with the simulation results. Compared with the traditional theoretical model, it is more accurate and comprehensive to calculate the fire hazard range of each angle jet.
Key words:  jet flame  natural gas pipeline  leakage direction  numerical simulation  hazard scope