引用本文:崔伟,宋学超,罗金华,敬加强. 顺北二区高含硫天然气脱水工艺技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 16-22.
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1.中国石化西北油田分公司 ;2.中国石化缝洞型油藏提高采收率重点实验室 ;3.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院
目的 通过天然气脱水有效降低H2S对高含硫天然气矿场集输系统的腐蚀危害。方法 在国内外高含硫天然气脱水技术研究的基础上,优选确定了三甘醇溶剂吸收法作为顺北二区高含硫天然气的脱水处理工艺,并在传统三甘醇脱水工艺流程的基础上充分考虑了顺北二区高含硫天然气的特点,局部优化改进了传统三甘醇脱水工艺流程,增加了原料气进吸附塔前的分离处理工艺和闪蒸气回收处理工艺;同时,基于富甘醇预热位置、再生纯度以及H2S的影响,开发了两级贫/富液换热预热、LNG气化气提的富甘醇再生工艺流程。结果 改造后,脱水工艺通过增压回收处理实现了脱水系统含硫尾气零排放,通过LNG气化气提实现了三甘醇高效脱硫和提纯相结合,解决了酸性环境下再生装置的腐蚀及检修难题。结论 该脱水工艺有利于顺北二区总体开发规划的实现,形成了适用于顺北二区高含硫天然气的高压集输脱水流程,为后续顺北天然气区块的进一步开发提供了技术支撑。 
关键词:  高含硫  天然气  三甘醇  脱水
Study on dehydration technology of natural gas with high hydrogen sulfide content in Shunbei No.2 area
Cui Wei1, Song Xuechao2, Luo Jinhua3, Jing Jiaqiang3
1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. Key Laboratory for EOR of Fracture Vuggy Reservoir, Sinopec, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;3. Petroleum Engineering School of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective In the gathering and transportation of natural gas mines with high hydrogen sulfide content, in order to effectively reduce the corrosion hazard of hydrogen sulfide to the system, dehydration is often used to control the water dew point. Methods Based on the research of dehydration technology of high sulfur natural gas at home and abroad, triethylene glycol solvent absorption method was selected as the dehydration treatment process of high sulfur natural gas in Shunbei No.2 area. Considering the characteristics of high sulfur natural gas in Shunbei No.2 area, the traditional triethylene glycol dehydration process was optimized and improved locally, and the separation process before the raw gas inlet adsorption tower and the flash-vapor recovery process were added at the same time. Based on the influence of the pre-heating location, regeneration purity and hydrogen sulfide, the paper adopted a two-stage low-liquid/high-liquid heat exchange pre-heating process and LNG gasification gas extraction process to form a dehydration process which is suitable for high-sulfur natural gas in Shunbei No.2 area. Results After transformation, the dehydration process realized zero discharge of sulfur-containing tail gas from dehydration system by pressurized recovery, and the combination of efficient desulfurization and purification of triethylene glycol (TEG) realized by LNG gasification and gas stripping, the problem of corrosion and maintenance of regeneration device in acid environment was solved. Conclusion sThis dehydration process effectively promoted the realization of the overall development plan of Shunbei No.2 area, and formed a high-pressure gathering and transportation dehydration process suitable for natural gas with high hydrogen sulfide content in Shunbei No.2 area, which provides technical support for the further development of Shunbei natural gas blocks.
Key words:  high hydrogen sulfide content  natural gas  triethylene glycol  dehydration