引用本文:冯连坤,李洪亮,陈晓华,李彦荣. FC-52加氢裂化催化剂在汽柴油改质装置上的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 23-27.
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目的 增产石脑油,提升经济效益。方法 对中石油云南石化有限公司180×104 t/a汽柴油改质装置进行升级改造,将原精制反应器和改质反应器进行交换,对第一运转周期的精制催化剂FF-36A进行再生,并加入新型精制催化剂FF-66和裂化催化剂FC-52。结果 装置在98.3%负荷运转的条件下,柴油产品的密度(20 ℃)为839.5 kg/m3,十六烷指数为40.3,硫质量分数<1 μg/g,多环芳烃质量分数为1.3%,达到调合柴油产品质量标准;石脑油收率(w)达到20.4%,石脑油终馏点为170.4 ℃,硫质量分数<0.5 μg/g,芳烃潜含量(w)为47.16%,是优质的重整原料。结论 改造后的汽柴油改质装置实现了多产优质石脑油的目标,提高了装置的经济效益。 
关键词:  汽柴油改质  加氢裂化  催化剂  十六烷指数  芳烃潜含量  石脑油
Application of FC-52 hydrocracking catalyst in upgrading unit of gasoline and diesel oil
Feng Liankun1, Li Hongliang1, Chen Xiaohua2, Li Yanrong1
1. PetroChina Yunnan Petrochemical Company Limited, Kunming, Yunnan, China;2. Chemical Fertilizer Plant of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Objective Increase the production of naphtha and increase economic benefits. Methods The 1.8 Mt/a gasoline and diesel oil upgrading unit of PetroChina Yunnan Petrochemical Company Limited was upgraded and transformed, the hydrofining reactor and the cracking reactor has been exchanged, the refining catalyst FF-36A used for first-cycle was regenerated, and new refining catalyst FF-66 and cracking catalyst FC-52 were added. Results Under the condition of 98.3% load operation, the density of diesel products under 20 ℃ was 839.5 kg/m3, the cetane index was 40.3, the sulfur mass fraction was less than 1 μg/g, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mass fraction was 1.3%, and the diesel products was used for ChinaⅥ standard in diesel blending. The naphtha yield was 20.4 wt%, the naphtha final boiling point was 170.4 ℃, the sulfur mass fraction was less than 0.5 μg/g, the aromatic latent content was 47.16 wt%, which is high quality materials for catalytic reforming. Conclusion sAfter upgraded and transformed, the unit reaches the objective of producing high quality naphtha and the economic benefits of the refinery is improved.
Key words:  upgrading of gasoline and diesel oil  hydrocracking  catalyst  cetane index  aromatic latent content  naphtha