引用本文:李均方,张瑞春,何伟. 变压吸附在粗氦纯化工艺中的流程优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 47-55.
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目的 针对需要生产液氦产品的粗氦纯化工艺,在调研国内外氦气纯化工艺技术的基础上,创新性提出了中压低温冷凝+常温中压变压吸附进行氦纯化的工艺路线。方法 采用HYSYS模拟的方法,对3种工艺的特点和适应性进行了对比分析,同时还分析了冷凝温度、冷凝压力、变压吸附的主组分收率变化、原料气组成变化等关键参数对流程性能的影响。结果 与传统粗氦纯化工艺相比,该组合工艺在提高氦收率的同时,装置能耗及液氮消耗明显降低,具有自动化程度高、工艺流程连续、可操作性强等特点,能较好地适应生产液氦的工况。结论 该工艺对国内天然气提氦装置建设的工艺选择及应用提供了指导和数据支撑。 
关键词:  变压吸附  粗氦纯化  低温吸附  粗氦冷凝
Study on process optimization of pressure swing adsorption in crude helium purification process
Li Junfang, Zhang Ruichun, He Wei
Chengdu Natural Gas Chemical Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil﹠Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective In order to meet the demand of crude helium purification process that is needed to produce liquid helium products, an innovative process of helium purification by medium pressure and low temperature condensation closing by medium pressure and pressure swing adsorption(PSA) at room temperature on the basis of investigation of helium purification technology at home and abroad is proposed in this paper. Methods Using HYSYS simulation method, the characteristics and adaptability of the three processes are compared and analyzed.The influences of condensation temperature, condensation pressure, the change of main component yield of PSA and the change of feed gas composition on the process performance are also analyzed. Results Compared with traditional crude helium purification technology, the combination technology not only improved the yield of helium, but also obviously decreased the energy consumption and the liquid nitrogen consumption of the unit. It has characteristics of high automation, continuous technological process, strong operability, etc. and is suitable for liquid helium production. Conclusion sThis process can provide a guidance and data support for the process selection and application of domestic natural gas helium extraction unit construction.
Key words:  pressure swing adsorption  crude helium purification  low temperature adsorption  crude helium condensation