引用本文:滕建强,赵毅,赵德银,刘英杰,郭龙. 油田伴生气脱硫胺液无机膜净化工业试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(4): 13-18.
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1.中国石化西北油田分公司 ;2.中国石化缝洞型油藏提高采收率重点实验室 ;3.新疆博塔油田技术服务有限公司
目的 解决中国石化西北油田分公司所产高含硫伴生气在脱硫过程中因胺液发泡引起的拦液冲塔及净化气中H2S含量超标问题。方法 分析生产过程中存在的问题及其产生的原因,开展了伴生气脱硫胺液无机膜净化工业应用试验研究。结果 分析结果表明,伴生气夹带的固体颗粒物和油泥在胺液中累积及吸收过程伴生气中重烃凝析形成的乳化状油滴是导致胺液发泡、吸收效率低的主要原因。无机膜错流过滤净化胺液工业试验结果表明,该技术可使净化后胺液中油质量浓度和固体质量浓度均降低95%以上,且污染后的无机膜通过清洗即可恢复通量。胺液净化后,通过工艺优化,系统胺液质量分数由32%提高到40%,净化气中H2S质量浓度降至10 mg/m3以下,系统能耗降低25%以上。结论 采用伴生气脱硫胺液无机膜净化工艺后,胺液发泡性能显著降低,消除了拦液现象,解决了因胺液发泡引起的拦液冲塔和净化气中H2S含量超标问题,脱硫效率得到提高。该工艺在高含硫复杂伴生气脱硫过程的成功应用,可为同类装置提供参考。 
关键词:  伴生气  脱硫  MDEA  无机膜
Industrial test study on amine solution used in oilfield associated gas desulfurizing with inorganic membrane purification
Teng Jianqiang1,2, Zhao Yi1,2, Zhao Deyin1,2, Liu Yingjie3, Guo Long3
1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Fracture-vuggy Reservoirs, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;3. Xinjiang Bota Oilfield Technology Service Co. Ltd, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
Objective sSolve the problems such as liquid blocking of tower caused by amine solution foam and the excessive H2S content in purification gas during the desulfurization process of high sulfur-containing associated gas produced by Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch. Methods Industrial application test study of purification of amine solution used in associated gas desulfurizing with inorganic membrane process was carried out after analyzing the problems existing in the production process and their causes. Results The analysis results showed that accumulation of solid particles and oily sludge in amine solution and emulsified oil droplets formed by condensation of heavy hydrocarbons in associated gas during absorption were the main causes of foaming and low absorption efficiency of amine solution. The industrial test result of amine solution purification with inorganic membrane cross-flow filtration process showed that the mass concentrations of oil and solid in the purified amine solution were both reduced by more than 95%, and the polluted inorganic membrane could recover flux by cleaning. The desulfurization process conditions were optimized after amine solution purification. The mass fraction of amine solution increased from 32% to 40%, the H2S mass concentration in purified natural gas reduced to less than 10 mg/m3, and the energy consumption of the system reduced more than 25%. Conclusion sAfter the application of amine solution purification with inorganic membrane process in associated gas desulfurizing process, the foaming performance of amine solution was significantly reduced, the liquid blocking phenomenon was eliminated, and the problem of excessive H2S content in liquid blocking tower and purification gas caused by amine solution foaming was solved, and the desulfurization efficiency was improved. The successful application of this process in the desulfurization process of complex associated gas with high sulfur content can provide reference for similar devices.
Key words:  associated gas  desulfurization  MDEA  inorganic membrane