引用本文:陈静,唐建峰,王铭,程鸿旭,曹玉虎,王荣熠. 晃动条件下硫回收过滤机性能实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 35-40.
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1.中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院 ;2.中国石油大学(华东)山东省油气储运安全省级重点实验室 ;3.中海油节能环保服务有限公司;4. 烟台新瑞环保科技有限公司
目的 探究晃动对硫回收工艺中离心式过滤机性能的影响。方法 利用自主搭建的过滤机抗晃中试实验装置对不同晃动条件、离心式过滤机转速、滤布目数下的硫膏固含率(混合物中固体质量分数)、硫回收率及过滤效率进行实验研究,分析离心式过滤机在海上硫磺回收工艺中的适应性。结果 ①离心式过滤机在晃动条件下仍能保持较好的过滤效果,产出硫膏固含率可达90%以上,晃动对硫膏固含率的影响不超过6%,且在高转速下稳定性更好;②硫回收率可维持在94%以上,增大滤布目数或者降低转速可提升硫回收率;③相对于600目滤布,350目滤布过滤效率更高,过滤时间可缩短80%以上。结论 从过滤效果和运行稳定性来看,离心式过滤机具有较强的海上适应性,可满足海上硫磺回收的工艺要求。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  离心式过滤机  硫膏固含率  硫回收率  中试实验  晃动工况
Experimental study on performance of sulfur recovery filter under shaking condition
Chen Jing1,2, Tang Jianfeng1,2, Wang Ming1,2, Cheng Hongxu3, Cao Yuhu4, Wang Rongyi1,2
1. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Safety, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China;3. CNOOC Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Service Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China;4. Yantai Xinrui Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Yantai, Shandong, China
Objective Explore the influence of shaking on the performance of centrifugal filter of sulfur recovery process. Methods The self built anti-slosh pilot test device of the filter was used to conduct experimental research on the solid content of sulfur paste (mass fraction of solids in mixture), sulfur recovery and filtration efficiency under different shaking conditions, rotating speed of the centrifugal filter and mesh number of filter cloth, and the adaptability of the centrifugal filter in the offshore sulfur recovery process was analyzed. Results (1) The centrifugal filter could still maintain a good filtering effect under the shaking condition, and the solid content in the output sulfur paste could reach more than 90%, the effect of shaking on the solid content of sulfur paste was not more than 6%, and the stability was better at high speed. (2) Sulfur recovery rate could be maintained at more than 94%, increasing filter mesh number or reducing speed could improve recovery rate. (3) Compared with 600 mesh filter cloth, 350 mesh filter cloth had higher filtration efficiency, and the filtration time could be shortened by more than 80%. Conclusion sIn terms of filtration effect and operation stability, the centrifugal filter has strong offshore adaptability and can meet the requirements of offshore sulfur recovery process.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  centrifugal filter  solid content of sulfur paste  sulfur recovery rate  pilot test  shaking condition