引用本文:崔传智,任侃,吴忠维,姚同玉,徐鸿,邱小华. 地下含水层储存氢气的可行性分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 41-50.
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目的 氢气的安全、高效储存对清洁能源工业化发展具有重要意义;地下含水层分布广泛、储存潜力巨大,是安全、高效地下储存氢气的潜在体。对地下含水层储存氢气的可行性进行了分析。方法 通过调研国内外关于地下含水层储存氢气的文献,在明确氢气的物理化学性质对含水层影响的基础上,分析了现有氢气地下储存的案例,探索了多种因素对含水层储存氢气的影响。结果 碳酸盐和硫酸盐胶结物含量低的砂岩以及盖层不含方解石的地质条件更适合氢气地下储存,在富有黏土矿物的储层中储存氢气是有利的;氢气地下储存应考虑微生物的影响;二氧化碳和氮气都可以作为缓冲气体,在中国进行“双碳”目标重大战略决策的当下,应该着重进行二氧化碳作为缓冲气体的研究。结论 目前,没有地下含水层储存纯氢的实例,但是相关的数值模拟研究和影响因素分析论证了含水层中储存氢气的可行性。 
关键词:  氢气储存  含水层  缓冲气体  润湿性  微生物
Feasibility analysis of hydrogen storage in underground aquifers
Cui Chuanzhi1, Ren Kan1, Wu Zhongwei1, Yao Tongyu1, Xu Hong2, Qiu Xiaohua2
1. School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Tianjin Branch, CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin, China
Objective The safe and efficient of hydrogen storage is of great significance to the development of clean energy industrialization. Aquifer,which is widely distributed and has huge storage potential, is a potential body for safe and efficient underground storage of hydrogen. The feasibility of hydrogen storage in underground aquifers is analyzed. Methods By investigating domestic and foreign literature on hydrogen storage of aquifer, on the basis of clarifying the influence of hydrogen physical and chemical properties on aquifers, the existing cases of underground hydrogen storage are analyzed, and the influences of various factors on hydrogen storage of aquifer are explored. Results The sandstone with low carbonate and sulfate cement content and the geological conditions with no calcite in the caprock are more suitable for underground hydrogen storage, and it is advantageous to store hydrogen in the reservoir rich in clay minerals; The influence of microorganisms should be considered for underground hydrogen storage; Both carbon dioxide and nitrogen can be used as cushion gases. At the moment when China is making a major strategic decision on the "dual carbon" goal, the research on carbon dioxide as a cushion gas should be emphasized. Conclusion sAt present, there are no examples of pure hydrogen storage in underground aquifers, but the related numerical simulation researches and influence factors analysis demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen storage in aquifers.
Key words:  hydrogen storage  aquifer  cushion gas  wettability  microorganism