引用本文:梁斌,沈坤杰,李贵海,唐思扬,钟山. 有机胺萃取耦合CO2矿化过程中阴离子迁移规律研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 60-64.
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目的 CO2矿化技术利用金属离子将CO2固化为碳酸盐是有效的碳减排路径,考查有机胺萃取耦合CO2矿化过程中阴离子的迁移规律,为进一步设计矿化过程提供理论参考。方法 有机胺萃取耦合CO2矿化法利用有机胺萃取氢离子(H+),并使阴离子迁移到有机相中,促进水相的钙、镁等金属离子进一步与碳酸根离子(CO2-3)沉淀,测定镁基、钙基体系中CO2矿化反应后阴离子的浓度和迁移率,并考查了时间、温度、相比(有机相与水相的体积比)对迁移率的影响。结果 镁基体系中,阴离子迁移率yI->yNO-3>yBr->yCl->ySO2-4;钙基体系中,阴离子迁移率yI->yNO-3>yBr->yCl-。其中,钙基体系中阴离子迁移速率大于镁基体系,NO-3的迁移速率大于Cl-。随着温度的升高,NO-3和Cl-的迁移率下降。结论 阴离子与H+形成酸的酸度越强,阴离子迁移率越高。有机胺萃取酸之后,R3N…H-O向R3NH+…O-H 转变。低温和高相比有利于有机胺萃取耦合CO2矿化反应中阴离子的迁移。 
关键词:  CO2矿化  有机胺  萃取  阴离子  迁移规律
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目“CO2矿化利用固废关键技术与万吨级工业试验”(2018YFB06057) 
Study on the anion migration in the CO2 mineralization process coupled with organic amine extraction
Liang Bin1,2, Shen Kunjie1, Li Guihai1, Tang Siyang1, Zhong Shan1
1. School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Institute of New Energy and Low-Carbon Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective It is an effective path for carbon emission reduction by CO2 mineralization technology utilizing metal ions to solidify CO2 into carbonate. The anions migration in the process of CO2 mineralization coupled with organic amine extraction is investigated to provide theoretical reference for further design of mineralization process. Methods CO2 mineralization coupled with organic amine extraction could continuously precipitate metal ions with carbonate ion(CO2-3) from dissolved CO2 by using of organic amines as the extractant to transfer hydrogen ion(H+) and anion into organic phase. The anion mobility during the CO2 mineralization were investigated in magnesium-based and calcium-based systems. The effects of time, reaction temperature, and organic phase-water volume ratio on the anion mobility were tested. Results The anion mobility in magnesium-based system states as:yI->yNO-3>yBr->yCl->ySO2-4. The anion mobility in calcium-based system states as:yI->yNO-3>yBr->yCl-. The anions mobility in calcium-based system is higher than that in magnesium-based system. The mobility rate of nitrate ions is higher than that of chloride ions. The mobility of NO-3 and Cl- decreases with the increase of temperature. Conclusion sThe anion mobility increases with the acidity of anions and H+ increasing. After acid extraction with organic amines, R3N…H-O turns to R3NH+…O-H. Lower temperature and higher organic phase-water ratio are favorable for the anions migration in CO2 mineralization coupled with organic amine extraction reaction.
Key words:  CO2 mineralization  organic amine  extraction  anion  migration law