引用本文:于建国,韩昫身,金艳. 页岩气压裂返排液生物处理技术研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 131-138.
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页岩气作为国家新能源战略的重要组成部分,其开采一般采用水力压裂技术实现,生产过程中伴生数量较大的压裂返排液(采出水)。在国家“双碳”战略下,高盐度、高COD值的压裂返排液达标处置成为一个重要的行业性绿色技术命题。聚焦页岩气压裂返排液生物处理技术,总结了活性污泥、生物膜、膜生物反应器(MBR)、好氧颗粒污泥等技术的研究进展,根据压裂返排液水质特性比较了不同工艺方法的优势与短板,并分析了生物强化技术在压裂返排液处理过程中的应用前景,为页岩气压裂返排液绿色高效处理处置决策提供参考。 
关键词:  压裂返排液  活性污泥  生物膜  膜生物反应器(MBR)  好氧颗粒污泥
Biological treatment of shale gas flowback and produced water:a review
Yu Jianguo1, Han Xushen1, Jin Yan2
1. National Engineering Research Center for Integrated Utilization of Salt Lake Resources, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China;2. Suzhou Synovo Green Tech. Co., Ltd., Changshu, Jiangsu, China
Shale gas is an important part of China's new energy strategy. The exploitation of shale gas commonly relies on hydraulic fracturing technology, with the generation of large quantities of flowback and produced water. To realize the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, it is significant to treat the flowback and produced water with high salinity and various organics cost-effectively and environmentally friendly. In this review, recent progresses on biological methods (activated sludge, biofilm, membrane bioreactor, aerobic granular sludge, etc.) that used for flowback and produced water treatment are summarized, and the advantages and drawbacks of different biological methods are compared based on the characteristics of the flowback and produced water. Further, the prospects of bioaugmentation technology on flowback and produced water treatment are analyzed. This study provids an important guidance for green and efficient removal of pollutants (organic matter and ammonia nitrogen, etc.) in shale gas flowback and produced water.
Key words:  flowback and produced water  activated sludge  biofilm  membrane bioreactor (MBR)  aerobic granular sludge