引用本文:周劲,魏东,袁银江,张平,刘科,龙蓓蓓. QHSE体系审核数据分析与预警机制的建立[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 139-144.
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目的 充分利用历年QHSE体系审核数据库,分析管理弱项要素,针对性地制定管理方案,持续提升安全管理水平。方法 利用层次分析法,建立以风险分析为准则层、风险度为基础层、体系审核要素为方案层、预警要素为目标层的层次结构模型。根据风险矩阵确定Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级风险度系数。结合体系审核问题清单,计算出各审核要素风险度和平均风险度,得出各审核要素的风险度权重。通过对历年体系审核数据库的综合计算及专家经验评估,综合确定预警条件、预警分级及预警对策。结果 将该方法应用到某管理单位体系审核数据分析当中,及时提出预警要素及针对性管理建议,管理单位严格落实管理提升方案,次年预警要素在审核过程中得分明显增加,管理效果改善明显。结论 在QHSE体系审核过程中引入预警机制,及时发现并提出预警要素,督促管理单位强化管理弱项的关注,对促进管理提升和确保安全生产具有重要的借鉴意义。 
关键词:  QHSE体系  体系审核  预警机制  建立
QHSE system audit data analysis and early warning mechanism establishment
Zhou Jin1, Wei Dong1, Yuan Yinjiang1, Zhang Ping1, Liu Ke2, Long Beibei2
1. Research Institute of Safety, Environmental Protection and Technology Supervision, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2.Gas Transmission Management Division of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The aim of this study is to make full use of the audit database of QHSE system over the years, analyze the weak elements of management, make targeted management plan, and continuously improve the level of safety management. Methods Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a hierarchical structure model is established, which takes risk analysis, risk degree, system audit element, and early warning element as the criterion layer, the base layer, the scheme layer, and the target layer, respectively. The degree coefficients of Grade Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ risk are determined according to the risk matrix. Combined with the system audit question list, the risk degree and average risk degree of each audit element could be calculated, as well as the weight of the risk degree of each audit element. Through the comprehensive calculation of the system audit database over the years and expert experience evaluation, the early warning conditions, early warning grades, and early warning countermeasures are determined comprehensively. Results The method was applied to analyze the audit data of a management unit, and the early warning elements and targeted management suggestions were proposed in time. After the management unit strictly implements the management improvement plan, the scores of early warning elements in the audit process increased significantly in the next year, and the management effect was improved obviously. Conclusion sThe introduction of early warning system in the process of QHSE system audit could facilitate the identification of the early warning elements, which would urge the management units to enhance the attention on the weakness of the management. This study has important referential significance for management improvement and production safety.
Key words:  QHSE system  system audit  early warning mechanism  establishment