引用本文:陈冠杉,宋彬,冉文付,彭维茂,王鸿宇. 风险评价技术在高含硫天然气净化装置长周期运行中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 145-150.
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目的 通过风险评价技术为高含硫天然气净化装置查找限制长周期运行的瓶颈问题,提出有效的解决方案,实现高含硫天然气净化装置长周期安全可靠运行。方法 从装置工艺系统安全管理出发,利用HAZOP/LOPA/SIL联合分析法,针对天然气净化厂产品气气质和尾气排放双达标改造工程,对净化装置工艺系统风险进行评估和量化;利用可靠性方框图和故障树方法对再生塔液位联锁回路进行SIL验证和计算。结果 结合净化装置实际案例,从SIS层面和本质安全层面提出了提高SIL等级和泵采用双端面机械密封两个切实可行的措施。结论 风险评价技术能够为实现净化装置长周期运行提供技术保障。 
关键词:  天然气净化  风险评价  高含硫  工艺系统安全  HAZOP/LOPA/SIL
Application of risk assessment technology in long-term operation of high-sulfur natural gas purification plant
Chen Guanshan1, Song Bin1, Ran Wenfu2, Peng Weimao2, Wang Hongyu2
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Northeast Sichuan Operation Company, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The aim is to find the bottleneck problem restricting the long-term operation of high-sulfur natural gas purification plant by the risk assessment technology, and an effective solution is proposed to realize the long-term safe and reliable operation of high-sulfur natural gas purification plant. Methods Starting from the safety management of the process system of the plant, the joint analysis method of HAZOP/LOPA/SIL was adopted to evaluate and quantify the risks of the plant in the process of “the double standard reconstruction project” which was designed to ensure the product temperament and tail gas discharge satisfying the latest standards. The SIL verification and calculation of the liquid level interlocking loop of the regeneration tower were carried out by using reliability block diagram and fault tree method. Results Combined with the practical case of the natural gas purification plant, two feasible measures of improving the SIL grade and adopting double-face mechanical seal for the pump were put forward from the aspects of SIS and essential safety. Conclusion The risk assessment technology can provide technical support for the long-term operation of the natural gas purification plant.
Key words:  natural gas purification  risk assessment  high sulfur  process system safety  HAZOP/LOPA/SIL