引用本文:颜昌平,杨舒. 无人值守脱水橇在塔河油田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 16-21.
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目的 针对塔河地区偏远井和零散井的管输冻堵问题,开展无人值守的小型脱水站试点建设项目。方法 分析了所面临的特殊性问题,制定出橇装式分子筛脱水方案,并在试运行过程中对出口天然气水露点进行检测,模拟遭遇突发停电的复杂工况,分析潜在的危险因素,采取相应的预防措施。结果 经检测,出口天然气最高水露点为-28 ℃,整橇运行可靠,在无人干预的情况下遭遇突发停电也能确保安全。结论 20×104 m3/d无人值守分子筛脱水橇在成本、脱水效果和安全运行方面均具有优势,尤其适用于存在搬迁可能的装置或偏远地区。同时,对于复杂多变的特殊工况也有很强的适应能力,可以积极推广应用。 
关键词:  无人值守  零散井回收  分子筛  橇装装置  脱水  水露点  突发工况
Application of unattended dehydration skid in Tahe oilfield
Yan Changping1, Yang Shu2
1. Shanghai Ming Luo Oil and Gas Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China ;2. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
Objective Aiming at the problem of freezing and blocking of pipeline transportation in remote wells and scattered wells in the Tahe area, a pilot construction project of a small dehydration station which is unattended was carried out. Methods Considering the special problems of the skid, the skid-mounted molecular sieve dehydration plan was worked out. The export natural gas water dew point during the trial operation was detected and the complicated working conditions of sudden power outage was simulated to analyze the potential risk factors and take corresponding preventive measures. Results After testing, the highest water dew point of exported natural gas was -28 ℃, and the whole skid runs reliably. It can also ensure security even in sudden power outages in the absence of intervention. Conclusion sThe 200×103 m3/d unattended molecular sieve dehydration skid has great advantages in cost, dehydration effect and safety operation, especially suitable for relocation-possible devices or remote areas. At the same time, it also has great adaptability for complex and changeable special working conditions. The skid can be actively promoted and applied.
Key words:  unattended  scattered well recovery  molecular sieve  skid-mounted unit  dehydration  water dew point  sudden conditions