引用本文:亢永博,王用良. 分子筛脱水装置再生气空冷器故障分析及工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 22-27, 33.
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目的 解决分子筛脱水装置再生气空冷器频繁泄漏导致停产检修的问题。方法 从再生气空冷器材料、振动和管道应力方面分析计算空冷器泄漏的原因,采用HYSYS和CAESARⅡ软件复核计算新的工艺流程中高温再生气进入高压放空系统对管线、阀门和设备的温度、强度、应力及热位移的影响。结果 将再生气空冷器入口高温再生气接入再生气调压放空管线可行,不会对放空系统管线、阀门和设备造成影响。结论 再生气空冷器泄漏的原因是材质不合格和进出口管线布置不合理。在再生气空冷器进口新增一段放空管线可实现不停产检修。建议天然气净化厂在采购再生气空冷器时应严格审查设备材质,合理布置进出口管线,以降低再生气空冷器泄漏故障率。 
关键词:  分子筛  脱水  再生气  空冷器  故障分析
Failure analysis and process optimization of regeneration gas air-cooler for molecular sieve dehydration unit
Kang Yongbo1, Wang Yongliang2
1. China National Oil & Gas Exploration and Development Co., Ltd., Beijing, China ;2. China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation Southwest Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Solve the shutdown and maintenance problem caused by frequent leakage of regeneration gas air-cooler in the molecular sieve dehydration unit. Methods The reasons for the leakage of the air-cooler were analyzed and calculated from the aspects of the material, vibration and pipeline stress of the regeneration gas air-cooler, and the HYSYS and CAESAR Ⅱ software were used to check and calculate the influence of the high-temperature regeneration gas entering the high-pressure venting system on the temperature, strength, stress and thermal displacement of the pipeline, valve and equipment in the new process flow. Results It is feasible to connect the high-temperature regeneration gas from the inlet of the regeneration gas air-cooler to the regeneration gas pressure regulating and venting pipeline, and it will not affect the pipeline, valves and equipment of the venting system. Conclusion sThe reason for the leakage of the regeneration gas air-cooler is the unqualified material and the unreasonable arrangement of the inlet and outlet pipelines. Adding a section of venting pipeline at the inlet of the regeneration gas air-cooler can realize non-stop maintenance. It is suggested that the natural gas purification plant should strictly review the material of the equipment when purchasing the regeneration gas air-cooler and reasonably arrange the inlet and outlet pipelines in order to reduce the leakage failure rate of the regeneration gas air-cooler.
Key words:  molecular sieve  dehydration  regeneration gas  air-cooler  failure analysis