引用本文:景旭亮,高伟,李鸿雄,孙育滨. 超重力CO2吸收过程的Aspen模拟计算[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 1-5.
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1.陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司 ;2.陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司大连化物所西安洁净能源(化工)研究院
目的 模拟超重力CO2的吸收过程,从而为实验工艺参数的优化提供指导。方法 建立了超重力NaOH碱液吸收CO2的Aspen计算模型,考查了多个影响因素对CO2脱除率的影响。结果 通过对比可知,将超重力反应器等价转化为常规填料塔后,NaOH质量分数、碱液进料量和压力对CO2脱除率的影响与超重力实验室的变化规律一致,但模拟值仅为实验值的1/2左右。对传质参数进行进一步修正,修正后的模拟计算结果与实验值接近,平均偏差仅为0.77%。结论 建立的超重力CO2吸收模型准确可靠,可为后续实验提供一定的方向性指导。
关键词:  超重力  CO2脱除  Aspen Plus  模拟计算 
Simulation and calculation of CO2 absorption under high gravity environment by Aspen Plus software
Jing Xuliang1,2, Gao Wei1,2, Li Hongxiong1,2, Sun Yubin1,2
1. Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Corp. Ltd., Xi’an, Shaanxi, China;2. Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Corp. Ltd & Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Xi’an Clean Energy(Chemical Industry) Research Institute, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Objective The CO2 absorption process under high gravity environment is simulated so as to provide guidance for the optimization of experimental process parameters. Methods An Aspen Plus calculation model for CO2 absorption using NaOH alkaline solution under high gravity was established, and the influence factors on the CO2 removal rate were investigated. Results While the high gravity reactor was equivalent to a conventional packed tower through the equivalent conversion method, the influence of sodium hydroxide mass fraction, solution feed rate and pressure on the CO2 removal rate were similar to that of the high gravity laboratory value, but the simulated value was only about 1/2 of the experimental value. The corrected simulation results were close to the experimental values, and the average deviation was only 0.77%. Conclusion sThe established CO2 absorption model under high gravity environment is accurate and reliable, which can provide some directional guidance for subsequent experiments.
Key words:  high gravity  CO2 removal  Aspen Plus  simulation calculation