引用本文:党世皓,马悦,鲁大勇,李勇,罗元,李爱民. 高负荷工况天然气净化厂硫磺品质控制优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 6-11.
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目的 分析A天然气净化厂在高负荷工况下硫磺品质异常的原因及影响因素,探讨解决措施。方法 对硫磺品质及色度进行分析,解释硫磺品质异常的原因,从酸气中杂质反应机理出发,探讨工艺优化方案。结果 在直流法工艺条件下采用高炉温及精确配风,可提高酸气中杂质的分解率,从而提高硫磺品质。结论 在装置高负荷运行的条件下,结合主燃烧炉炉膛温度、酸气组分等因素,采用在提高MDEA溶液选择性的基础上结合主燃烧炉掺烧部分燃料气的方法,最终可望实现天然气净化厂常规克劳斯非常规分流法硫磺回收装置的硫磺品质控制。 
关键词:  硫磺品质  克劳斯工艺  溶液吸收选择性  燃料气掺烧  富氧克劳斯  高负荷工况  
Optimization of sulfur quality control in high load natural gas purification plant
Dang Shihao, Ma Yue, Lu Dayong, Li Yong, Luo Yuan, Li Aimin
Northwest Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
Objective The causes and influencing factors of sulfur quality abnormality under high load condition of A Natural Gas Purification Plant were analyzed, and the solutions were discussed. Methods The sulfur quality and chroma were analyzed to explain the cause of abnormal sulfur quality. Based on the reaction mechanism of impurities in acid gas, the process optimization scheme was discussed. Results The decomposition rate of impurities in acid gas could be improved by using blast furnace temperature and accurate air distribution under the condition of direct current process, so as to improve the quality of sulfur. Conclusion sUnder the condition of high load operation of the unit, combined with factors such as the furnace temperature of the main combustion furnace, acid gas composition, etc., and on the basis of improving the selectivity of MDEA solution, combined with the method of burning part of the fuel gas in the main combustion furnace, it is expected to finally achieve the sulfur quality control of the sulfur recovery unit of the conventional Claus unconventional split flow method in the natural gas purification plant.
Key words:  sulfur quality  Claus process  solution absorption selectivity  mixed combustion of fuel gas  oxygen enriched Claus  high load condition