引用本文:陈昌介,刘宗社,张晓雪. 二氧化钛对克劳斯反应气体吸附性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 12-16.
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目的 为了研究二氧化钛硫磺回收催化剂对克劳斯反应过程的催化机理,开展了催化剂对H2S、SO2和有机硫等主要反应物的吸附性能研究。方法 针对克劳斯化学反应所涉及反应物与产物在典型的二氧化钛催化剂上的吸附与脱附情况,采用微型反应器-质谱分析表征技术,研究了H2S、SO2产物在单独与共存条件下的吸附性能和水蒸气与硫蒸气产物的吸附性能。结果 在典型的一级克劳斯反应器操作条件下,H2S与SO2均能强吸附于二氧化钛催化剂上,其中,对SO2的吸附性强于H2S,前者的饱和吸附量是后者的3.3倍。在反应物与产物共存的状态下,催化剂对H2S与SO2的吸附性均会下降,硫蒸气的吸附性强于水蒸气,但扣除硫蒸气毛细凝聚产生的吸附量后,水蒸气对克劳斯反应的阻碍效应强于硫蒸气。结论 依托研究成果所开发的二氧化钛催化剂在3套硫磺回收装置上进行了工业应用。结果 表明,催化剂有机硫水解效果显著,COS和CS2水解率均超过90%。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  克劳斯  二氧化钛  吸附  催化 
Study on the adsorption performance of titanium dioxide for Claus reaction gas
Chen Changjie1,2, Liu Zongshe1,2, Zhang Xiaoxue1,2
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective In order to study the catalyst mechanism of titanium dioxide sulfur recovery catalyst for Claus reaction process, the adsorption performance of the catalyst for hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and organic sulfur was studied. Methods Aiming at the adsorption and desorption of reactants and products involved in Claus chemical reaction on typical titanium dioxide catalyst, the adsorption properties of H2S and SO2 products under single and co-existing conditions and the adsorption properties of water vapor and sulfur dioxide products and the adsorption performance of water vapor and sulfur vapor products were studied by microreactor and mass spectrometry. Results Under the typical operating conditions of the 1st-order Claus reactor, both hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide could be strongly adsorbed on the titanium dioxide catalyst, in which the adsorption of sulfur dioxide was stronger than that of hydrogen sulfide, and the saturated adsorption capacity of the former was 3.3 times that of the latter. When the reactants and products both existed, the adsorption of the catalyst for hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide would decrease, and the adsorption of sulfur vapor was stronger than that of water vapor. However, after deducting the adsorption amount produced by capillary condensation of sulfur vapor, the blocking effect of water vapor on Claus reaction was stronger than that of sulfur vapor. Conclusion sThe titanium dioxide catalyst developed based on the research results had been applied in three sets of sulfur recovery units. The results showed that the hydrolysis effect of organic sulfur was remarkable, and the hydrolysis rates of COS and CS2 were more than 90%.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  Claus  titanium dioxide  adsorption  catalysis