引用本文:范秦楚,阮玉蛟,周军. 碳达峰碳中和目标下国内天然气净化厂运行现状与展望[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 25-31, 39.
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关键词:  碳达峰  碳中和  天然气净化  碳捕集、利用与封存  绿色能源拓展 
Current status and prospect of domestic natural gas purification plants under the target of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization
Fan Qinchu, Ruan Yujiao, Zhou Jun
Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
Natural gas is a low-carbon and clean energy, and the demand is growing under the background of achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutralization in China. Natural gas purification is an important part of the development of conventional gas fields. The optimal operation of natural gas purification device, energy conservation and emission reduction, and green energy business expansion are of great significance for promoting natural gas production and green and low-carbon development of the industry. Taking the natural gas purification plants of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, which is the earliest in China, the largest in scale, advanced in process technology, fully equipped and highly automated, as an example, the operating status of the existing units and the challenges facing the difficult control of product gas quality indicators and rising operating costs were analyzed. In combination with the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, this paper gives the specific directions and suggestions on how to increase processing capacity, improve emerging technologies, continue energy conservation and emission reduction, innovate control systems and carry out carbon capture, utilization and storage and green energy business expansion.
Key words:  carbon peaking  carbon neutralization  natural gas purification  carbon capture  utilization  and storage (CCUS)  green energy expansion