引用本文:王军,岑嶺,瞿杨,傅适,周军,向里. 还原吸收和氧化吸收尾气处理工艺应用对比探析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 32-39.
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目的 明确天然气净化厂还原吸收和氧化吸收尾气处理工艺在应用过程中的优劣。方法 从工艺原理及流程、关键操作控制及主要工艺参数、对硫磺回收和污水处理装置的影响、能耗及物耗等方面进行了对比分析,明确两种尾气处理工艺的适应性。结果 通过对比分析可知,Cansolv尾气处理工艺流程更简洁,脱硫溶剂具有明显的吸收性能优势,存在DS脱硫溶剂净化、设备腐蚀防护、含SO2污水处理等不利影响。结论 基于脱硫溶液的高效能优势,Cansolv工艺综合能耗、物料费用、占地及投资均较SCOT工艺低,具有较好的应用性。 
关键词:  还原  氧化  Cansolv  吸收  尾气处理  GB 39728-2020 
Comparative analysis on the application of reduction absorption and oxidation absorption tail gas treatment processes
Wang Jun, Cen Ling, Qu Yang, Fu Shi, Zhou Jun, Xiang Li
Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
Objective The advantages and disadvantages of reduction absorption and oxidation absorption tail gas treatment processes in the application process of natural gas purification plants were clarified. Methods The adaptability of the two exhaust gas treatment processes was clarified by comparing the process principle and flow, key operation control and main process parameters, the impact on sulfur recovery and sewage treatment devices, energy consumption and material consumption. Results Through comparative analysis, it can be concluded that the process flow of Cansolv tail gas treatment is more concise, and the desulfurization solvent has obvious absorption performance advantages, which also has adverse effects such as DS desulfurization solvent purification, equipment corrosion protection, and SO2-containing sewage treatment. Conclusion sBased on the advantages of high efficiency of desulfurization solution, the Cansolv process has lower comprehensive energy consumption, material cost, land occupation and investment than the Scott process, and has better applicability.
Key words:  reduction  oxidation  Cansolv  absorption  tail gas treatment  GB 39728-2020