引用本文:钱欣,戴国华,李国豪,万宇飞,那凤祎,杨纯. 基于遗传算法的三甘醇脱水系统减碳策略[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 16-22.
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目的 基于HYSYS模型和遗传算法(GA)对海上平台三甘醇(TEG)脱水系统碳排放总量进行敏感性分析及优化研究。综合考虑电量消耗及闪蒸气燃烧所产生的碳排放,建立HYSYS碳排放模型。方法 以三甘醇脱水系统碳排放总量最小为目标函数,通过GA模块生成初始决策变量组,并利用数据通信控件ActiveX将决策变量数据传递到HYSYS中进行计算,计算结果以适应度值的形式返还给GA模块进行评估,并通过选择、交叉、变异遗传行为自动更新优化决策变量,直至获得搜索空间下的最优解。结果 敏感性分析结果表明,在三甘醇脱水系统的碳排放总量中,重沸器占比70%以上,闪蒸气占比30%以下,TEG循环泵占比低于2%。通过GA算法的优化,TEG循环量降幅最大,高达40%,重沸器温度降幅为7.7%。三甘醇脱水系统的碳排放量从83.84 kg/h优化到53.98 kg/h,降幅达35.6%,优化效果较为明显。结论 通过遗传算法优化三甘醇脱水系统的运行参数,可有效减少系统的碳排放量。 
关键词:  碳排放  三甘醇脱水  HYSYS模型  遗传算法 
Carbon emission reduction strategy of TEG dehydration based on genetic algorithm
Qian Xin1, Dai Guohua1, Li Guohao1, Wan Yufei1, Na Fengyi2, Yang Chun1
1. Tianjin Branch, CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China;2. Sinopec Tianjin LNG Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China
Objective sBased on the HYSYS model and genetic algorithm(GA), the sensitivity analysis and optimization of the total carbon emissions of the triethylene glycol(TEG) dehydration system on offshore platforms were studied. The HYSYS carbon emission model was established by considering the carbon emissions generated by electricity consumption and flash gas combustion. Methods Taking the minimum total carbon emission of the TEG dehydration system as the objective function, the initial decision variable group was generated by the GA module, and the data communication control ActiveX was used to transfer the decision variable data to HYSYS for calculation. The calculation results were returned to the GA module in the form of fitness value for evaluation, and the decision variables were automatically updated and optimized by selection, crossover and mutation genetic behavior until the optimal solution in the search space was obtained. Results The sensitivity analysis results showed that in the total carbon emissions of the TEG dehydration system, the reboiler accounted for more than 70%, and the BOG accounted for less than 30%, while the TEG pump accounted for less than 2%. Through the optimization of the GA, the TEG circulation volume decreased by 40%, and the reboiler temperature decreased by 7.7%. The carbon emissions of the TEG dehydration system were optimized from 83.84 kg/h to 53.98 kg/h, and the total emission decreased by 35.6%. The optimization effect was obvious. Conclusion The carbon emissions of TEG dehydration system can be effectively reduced through the optimization of the GA.
Key words:  carbon emissions  TEG dehydration  HYSYS model  genetic algorithm