引用本文:蔡烈奎,杨文中,王凯. 环烷基重质馏分油和减压渣油混合溶剂脱沥青和产品开发[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 23-27, 34.
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目的 解决中海油环烷基重质馏分油的利用问题。方法 以环烷基原油减四线馏分油和减压渣油为原料,采用丙烷对两种原料混合后的油品进行溶剂脱沥青试验。结果 当减四线馏分油与减压渣油混合油质量比为45∶55时,得到的减四线轻脱油质量较好且收率较高,并以此比例实现了工业运行。当以工业生产的减四线轻脱油为原料,采用加氢处理工艺或糠醛精制工艺可以生产CA值为12%以上的环保橡胶增塑剂时,采用加氢工艺整体经济性更好;采用两段糠醛萃取工艺可以生产高CA值达25%以上的环保橡胶增塑剂,其目的产品收率为22%左右。结论 采用丙烷脱沥青后,可以实现环烷基重质馏分油和减压渣油理想组分的交换,有利于重质馏分油的高价值利用。 
关键词:  馏分油  减压渣油  溶剂脱沥青  橡胶增塑剂 
Deasphalting and product development of mixed solvent of naphthenic heavy distillate oil and vacuum residue
Cai Liekui1, Yang Wenzhong2, Wang Kai1
1. CNOOC Research Institute of Refining and Petrochemicals, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. CNOOC Oil &Petrochemicals Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
Objective Solve the utilization problem of CNOOC's naphthenic heavy distillate. Method The solvent deasphalting test was carried out on the mixture of naphthenic crude oil and vacuum residue with propane as raw materials. Results When the mass ratio of the mixed oil of the fourth vacuum line distillate and vacuum residue was 45∶55, the quality of the fourth vacuum line light deoiling obtained was good and the yield was high, and the commercial operation was realized on this ratio. When the environmentally friendly rubber plasticizer with a CA value of more than 12% could be produced by hydrotreating process or furfural refining process using the light deoiling of the fourth vacuum line produced in industry as the raw material, the overall economy of the hydrogenation process was better. Two-stage furfural extraction process could produce environment-friendly rubber plasticizer with high CA value of more than 25%, and the yield of the target product was about 22%. Conclusion After propane deasphalting, the exchange of ideal components of naphthenic heavy distillate and vacuum residue can be realized, which is beneficial to the high value utilization of heavy distillate.
Key words:  distillate oil  vacuum residue  solvent deasphalting  rubber plasticizer