引用本文:张霖,黄海宇,张理. MDEA脱硫溶液近红外光谱法在线分析技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 123-127, 132.
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目的 为保证天然气净化装置产品气质量达标,剑阁天然气净化厂首次利用近红外光谱法在线分析技术实现脱硫溶液组分快速、准确地测定,便于脱硫系统工艺参数及时调整。方法 通过反复优化“建模数据”与“建模算法”,建成了最优的脱硫溶液组分近红外光谱分析模型。结果 通过多组在线分析数据与实验室分析数据对比分析,发现分析结果偏差均在2%以内,表明近红外光谱技术能准确监测脱硫溶液中MDEA含量及水含量。结论 近红外光谱法在线分析技术的成功应用为脱硫系统连续补水提供及时、准确的数据支撑,保证天然气净化装置脱硫稳定运行,具有极其重要的推广应用意义。 
关键词:  天然气净化厂  MDEA  脱硫溶液  近红外光谱  在线分析 
Study on near-infrared spectroscopy on-line analysis technology of MDEA desulfurization solution
Zhang Lin, Huang Haiyu, Zhang Li
Northwest Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
Objective In order to ensure that the gas quality of the natural gas purification device to meet the standard, Jiange Natural Gas Purification Plant for the first time used the near-infrared(NIR) spectroscopy online analysis technology to realize the rapid and accurate determination of desulfurization solution components, which is convenient for the timely adjustment of desulfurization system process parameters. Method By optimizing "modeling data" and "modeling algorithm" repeatedly, an optimized NIR spectroscopy analysis model of desulfurization solution components was established. Results By comparing several sets of online analysis data with laboratory analysis data, it was found that the deviation of analysis results was within 2%, indicating that NIR spectroscopy can accurately monitor the content of MDEA and water in desulfurization solution. Conclusion sThe successful application of NIR on-line analysis technology can provide a timely and accurate data support for continuous water replenishing of desulfurization system, and ensure the stable operation of desulfurization system of natural gas purification unit, which has extremely important significance for popularization and application.
Key words:  natural gas purification plant  MDEA  desulfurization solution  near-infrared spectroscopy  on-line analysis