引用本文:陈赓良. 0级热量计的技术进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 128-132.
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目前,国内天然气体积流量计量技术已经基本达到国际先进水平,且早已列入法制计量范畴,但在天然气发热量测定项目未能进入法制计量范畴前,难以全面推广实施能量计量。因此,建设一台准确度至少能满足为能量计量专用RGM定值要求的0级热量计是当前必须尽快解决的关键问题。因为有了(具有相应不确定度的)0级热量计,即便使用进口的RGM也不会受制于人,这才真正能在国际贸易纠纷仲裁中取得话语权。 
关键词:  发热量直接测定  发热量间接测定  0级热量计  标准气混合物(RGM)  法制计量  溯源性 
Technical progress of the 0 class calorimeter
Chen Gengliang1,2
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Secretariat of China Natural Gas Standardization Technical Committee, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In China the technique of natural gas volume flow measurement has already reached international advanced level and listed in legal metrology category now. But the energy measurement method is difficult to be roundly promoted and applied in China before natural gas calorific value item is listed in legal metrology. Therefore, it is a key point which should be roundly solved as soon as possible to construct a 0 class calorimeter, the accuracy of which can meet the requirement of reference gas mixture (RGM) certification. If this kind of calorimeter had been constructed, even if we use imported RGM, we would not be subject to others and can really gain the right to speak in arbitration of international trade.
Key words:  direct measurement of calorific value  indirect measurement of calorific value  0 class calorimeter  reference gas mixture(RGM)  legal metrology  traceability