引用本文:杨宗政,李芳,武莉娅,董迎春,张忠园,李海涛,等. 海上钻井含油钻屑破乳-离心处理实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 142-147.
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目的 解决海上钻井平台产生的含油钻屑处理过程中能耗高、碳排放量高,可能为环境带来二次污染等难题,为实现碳中和的发展目标探寻新思路。方法 筛选出了一种高效破乳剂,采用破乳-离心联合处理工艺,探究了对含油钻屑中石油组分的去除效果,通过正交实验优化设计,明确了最优反应条件。结果 LB1025型破乳剂效果最佳,最优反应条件为破乳剂有效质量分数60%,反应温度60 ℃,搅拌强度700 r/min,反应时间30 min,离心转速5 000 r/min,处理后含油钻屑油分的去除率为96.77%,残油率为0.21%,满足GB 4284-2018《农用污泥污染物控制标准》的B级排放标准。结论 破乳-离心联合处理工艺有效降低了含油钻屑的含油量,为该含油钻屑高效、节能、环保处理提供技术参考。
关键词:  海上钻井  含油钻屑  破乳剂  联合处理 
Experimental study on demulsification and centrifugal treatment of oil-bearing cuttings in offshore drilling platform
Yang Zongzheng1,2,3, Li Fang1, Wu Liya2, Dong Yingchun1, Zhang Zhongyuan3, Li Haitao3, Yang Di3
1. College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China;2. College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China;3. Tianjin Tanggu Xinyu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China
Objective The aim is to solve the high energy consumption and carbon emission in the processing of oil-bearing drilling cuttings produced by an offshore drilling platform in Tianjin, which might bring secondary pollution to the environment and other difficult problems, and explore new ideas for realizing the development goal of carbon neutrality. Methods An efficient demulsifier was selected, and the demulsification and centrifugation combined treatment process were used to explore the removal efficiency of oil components in oil-bearing drilling cuttings. The optimum reaction conditions were determined by optimizing the design of orthogonal test. Results The best removal efficiency was observed with LB1025 demulsifier in the study. Further, the optimum reaction conditions were identified to be as follows:the effective concentration of demulsifier was 60%, the reaction temperature was 60 ℃, the stirring intensity was 700 r/min, the reaction time was 30 min, and the centrifugal speed was 5 000 r/min. Under the above conditions, the oil removal rate of oil-bearing drilling cuttings could achieve 96.77%, while athe residual oil rate was 0.21%, which could meet the emission standard of Grade B in GB 4284-2018 Control standard of pollutant in sludge for agricultural use. Conclusion sDemulsification and centrifugation process can effectively reduce the oil content of oil-bearing drilling cuttings, and provide technical reference for efficient, energy-saving and environmental treatment of oil-bearing drilling cuttings in realizing the development goal of carbon neutrality.
Key words:  offshore drilling platform  oil-bearing drilling cuttings  demulsifier  combined treatment