引用本文:冯俊义,赵萌萌,于天,段海煦,李红东,黄占斌. 基于文献计量的石油钻井油泥处理及资源化利用分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 148-156.
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目的 全面了解国内外石油钻井油泥处理现状和应用动态。方法 基于中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,检索2007-2021年15年间国内外钻井油泥的相关研究文献,采用文献计量法从多角度进行分析。结果 在2007-2021年,该领域中、英文发文量均呈上升趋势,其中中文发文量高于英文;国内外基金资助项目最多的均是中国国家自然基金,机构影响力较高的分别为中国石油大学(华东)和法赫德国王石油矿产大学;中国在该领域的活跃程度高,而美国的研究水平处国际领先地位;国内研究重视钻井技术和油泥处理,国际研究关注钻井材料和污染水处理,国内外均对油泥资源化利用探究较少。结论 油泥资源化利用已成为当前研究热点,油泥无害化和资源化用于绿化种植用土是一项重要研究发展方向。 
关键词:  石油  钻井  油泥  资源化利用  文献计量分析 
Analysis of treatment and resource utilization of drilling oily sludge based on bibliometrics
Feng Junyi1, Zhao Mengmeng1, Yu Tian1, Duan Haixu1, Li Hongdong2, Huang Zhanbin1
1. School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing, Beijing, China;2. Gansu Lanjie Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Qingyang, Gansu, China
Objective The aim is to comprehensively understand the research status and application trends of oily drilling sludge at home and abroad. Methods Based on China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Web of Science (WOS) databases, this paper searched literature relating to oily drilling sludge research from 2007 to 2021, and adopted bibliometric method in analysis from multiple perspectives. Results The number of papers published in Chinese and English was rising from 2007 to 2021 while the former was higher than the latter. The funded projects with the largest number of publications globally were the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The influential institutions at home and abroad were China University of Petroleum (East China) and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in Saudi Arabia. Researchers from China were highly active in this field, while the United States still takes the international leading position. Domestic research focused on drilling technology and petroleum sludge treatment, while studies aboard paid more attention to drilling materials and polluted water treatment. We also concluded that the studies on resource utilization of drilling mud was inadequate. Conclusion sThe resource utilization of oily sludge has become a research hotspot currently. Further, the harmless treatment and resource utilization of oily sludge for greening planting soil could be regarded as an important research and development direction.
Key words:  petroleum  drilling  oily sludge  resource utilization  bibliometric analysis