引用本文:李永生,彭传波,裴爱霞. 高含硫天然气净化装置高效运行关键技术研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 30-34.
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目的 ①提高胺液选择性吸收效果,降低装置能耗;②提升液硫产品品质,降低排放烟气中SO2质量浓度;③实现催化剂的国产化应用。方法 以数据模拟为指导,结合现场试验,优化装置运行参数,拆除2层吸收塔塔盘。结果 产品气收率提升1.3个百分点以上,胺液循环泵电机电耗降低12.46%,胺液再生蒸汽降低11%。通过实施液硫鼓泡脱气、液硫池废气入克劳斯炉及热氮吹硫技术改造,液硫产品品质稳定达标,排放烟气中SO2质量浓度<200 mg/m3。通过开发应用国产水解、制硫、加氢催化剂,均取得了良好的应用效果,具备推广应用价值。结论 通过系列生产优化、技术改造、催化剂国产化应用,推动了高含硫气田的进一步发展。 
关键词:  高含硫  天然气  净化装置  选择性吸收  液硫  二氧化硫  催化剂 
Research and application of key technologies for efficient operation of high sulfur natural gas purification unit
Li Yongsheng, Peng Chuanbo, Pei Aixia
Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd., Dazhou, Sichuan, China
Objective sThe aims are as follows:(1) Improving the selective absorption effect of amine solution and reducing the energy consumption of the unit; (2) Improving the quality of liquid sulfur products and reducing the SO2 mass concentration in emission flue gas; (3) Realizing the domestic application of catalysts. Methods Guided by data simulation, combined with field tests, the unit operation parameters were optimized, and the 2-layer absorption tower tray was removed. Results The product gas yield increased by more than 1.3 percentage points, the electric power consumption of the amine circulating pump motor decreased by 12.46%, and the volume of amine regeneration steam decreased by 11%. Through the technical transformation such as liquid sulfur bubble degassing, liquid sulfur pool exhaust gas into Claus furnace, and hot nitrogen sulfur blowing, the quality of liquid sulfur products is stable and up to standard, and the SO2 mass concentration of emission flue gas is lower than 200 mg/m3. Through the development and application of domestic hydrolysis, sulfur production and hydrogenation catalysts, good application results have been achieved, which is worthy of popularization and application. Conclusion The further development of high sulfur gas fields was promoted through a series of production optimization, technical transformation and domestic application of catalysts.
Key words:  high sulfur  natural gas  purification unit  selective absorption  liquid sulfur  sulfur dioxide  catalyst