引用本文:班兴安,韩中喜,苗新康,李谨,葛守国,黄恒. 天然气失效脱汞剂中热释汞形态分析及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 35-40.
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目的 明确载金属硫化物天然气失效脱汞剂中汞的形态和热释汞特征。方法 开展汞化合物参考物质、单质汞和失效脱汞剂在空气气氛下的程序升温热释汞实验研究。结果 不同汞化合物的热释峰可以分开,黑色硫化汞、红色硫化汞、氧化汞和硫酸汞热释汞峰值温度分别在290 ℃、390 ℃、505 ℃和620 ℃左右,单质汞热释汞峰值与热释温度呈指数关系。失效脱汞剂中汞的形态为黑色的硫化汞,单质汞、红色硫化汞、氧化汞和硫酸汞未见显示。失效脱汞剂热释汞起始温度约为160 ℃,黑色硫化汞和失效脱汞剂热释汞结束温度均为600 ℃。结论 失效脱汞剂在常温下卸载和运输过程中不会发生分解,但要避免接触高温热源。辰砂汞矿冶炼温度一般在700~850 ℃之间,辰砂汞矿冶炼温度同样适用于失效脱汞剂除汞。 
关键词:  天然气  失效脱汞剂  程序升温  热释  汞形态 
Analysis and application of thermal released mercury forms in natural gas failure mercury adsorbent
Ban Xing’an1, Han Zhongxi2, Miao Xinkang1, Li Jin2, Ge Shouguo2, Huang Heng2
1. PetroChina Oil &Gas and New Energy Company, Beijing, China;2. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing, China
Objective The aim is to clarify the speciation and thermo-release characteristics of mercury in failure mercury adsorbent for natural gas containing metal sulfides. Method The temperature programmed thermal release mercury experimental of mercury compound reference material, elemental mercury and failure mercury adsorbent were carried out in air atmosphere. Results The thermal release peaks of different mercury compounds could be separated. The thermal release mercury peak temperatures of black mercury sulfide, red mercury sulfide, mercury oxide and mercury sulfate were about 290 ℃, 390 ℃, 505 ℃ and 620 ℃ respectively. The thermal release mercury peak of elemental mercury was exponential with the thermal release temperature. The form of mercury in the failure mercury adsorbent was black mercury sulfide, elemental mercury, red mercury sulfide, mercury oxide and mercury sulfate all were not shown. The starting temperature of thermal release mercury from the failure mercury adsorbent was about 160 ℃, and the ending temperature of thermal release mercury of black mercury sulfide and failure mercury adsorbent were both about 600 ℃. Conclusion sThe failure mercury adsorbent would not decompose during unloading and transportation at room temperature, but it is necessary to avoid contracting with high temperature heat sources. The smelting temperature of cinnabar ore was generally 700-850 ℃, so the smelting temperature of cinnabar ore was also suitable for the removal of mercury in failure mercury adsorbent.
Key words:  natural gas  failure mercury adsorbent  temperature programmed  thermal release  mercury forms