引用本文:吴楠,刘涛,任亮,赵加民,戴立顺. 渣油加氢催化剂级配模型的构建[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 19-24.
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目的 优化固定床渣油加氢装置反应器内组合装填的各类催化剂级配比例,使脱金属、脱硫、脱残炭等效果整体达到最优。方法 采用有4台串联反应器的渣油加氢试验装置,通过改变渣油进料的液时体积空速,获得了4台反应器的HDNi、HDV、HDS和HDCCR反应速率常数。结果 HDNi、HDV和HDS反应更多发生在二反,而HDCCR反应则更多发生在三反;经过前3台反应器后,剩余的均为最难反应的杂质,在四反中杂质的脱除更加困难。结论 以各个反应器的HDNi、HDV、HDS和HDCCR反应速率常数为基础,构建了渣油加氢反应动力学模型。该模型可以预测不同催化剂级配方案下的杂质脱除率。模型预测值与实际值的差值在1.7个百分点以内,可以满足工业应用的需求。 
关键词:  渣油加氢  催化剂级配  转化率  反应速率常数  数学模型 
Construction of residual oil hydrogenation catalysts gradation model
Wu Nan1, Liu Tao1, Ren Liang1, Zhao Jiamin2, Dai Lishun1
1. SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Co., Ltd., Beijing, China;2. Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, Shandong, China
Objective By optimizing the gradation ratio of various catalysts loaded in fixed bed residue hydrogenation reactor, the effects of demetalization, desulfurization and carbon residue removal were optimized as a whole. Methods A residue-hydrogenation test unit with 4 series reactors was used to carry out the research. The reaction rate constants of HDNi, HDV, HDS and HDCCR in 4 reactors were obtained by changing the liquid volume space velocity. Results The reactions of HDNi, HDV and HDS were more likely to occur in the second stage reactor, while the reaction of HDCCR was more likely to occur in the third stage reactor. After passing through the first three reactors, the remaining impurities were the most difficult to react, and the removal of impurities was more difficult in the fourth stage reactor. Conclusion sBased on the reaction rate constants of HDNi, HDV, HDS and HDCCR in each reactor, the residual oil hydrogenation kinetics model was constructed. The model can predict the impurity removal rate under different catalyst gradation schemes. The difference between the predicted value and the actual value of the model is within 1.7 percentage points, which can meet the needs of industrial applications.
Key words:  residual oil hydrogenation  catalyst gradation  conversion rate  reaction rate constant  mathematical model