引用本文:韩龙年,方友,李保良,杨国明,张海洪,陈禹霏,等. 催化柴油掺炼比对柴油加氢工艺的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 25-31.
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目的 考查催化柴油掺炼比对混合柴油加氢工艺的影响。方法 针对某炼厂物料平衡的需要及柴油加氢工业装置提高催化柴油掺炼比的需求,以混合柴油的加氢工艺为研究对象,在加氢中试装置上考查催化柴油的掺炼比对加氢工艺参数(平均反应温度)、产品分布和产品性质的影响,建立加氢工艺参数等与催化柴油掺炼比的关联式。结果 ①随着催化柴油掺炼比的提高,原料的组成更趋重质化、劣质化,加氢难度显著增加;②所建立的精制柴油硫含量、平均反应温度与催化柴油掺炼比的关联式可在一定范围内指导工艺参数的调整;③在同等条件下,随着催化柴油掺炼比的提高,混合柴油的转化率快速降低。综合考虑催化剂寿命、多产优质重整原料的需求以及兼产3号喷气燃料的要求,将催化柴油的掺炼比调整至30%左右较为合适。当产品性质有余量时,掺炼比可适当提高,同时在工业装置上完成验证。结论 明确了劣质原料掺炼比对平均反应温度等加氢工艺参数以及加氢裂化产品分布和产品性质的影响,可为同类工业加氢装置掺炼劣质原料提供工业运行实例的参考。 
关键词:  催化柴油  掺炼比  混合柴油  加氢工艺 
Effect of catalytic diesel blending ratio on diesel hydrogenation process
Han Longnian1, Fang You2, Li Baoliang2, Yang Guoming1, Zhang Haihong1, Chen Yufei1, Liu Jian1, Wang Ning1
1. CNOOC Institute of Chemicals and Advanced Materials, Beijing, China;2. CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Company Limited, Huizhou, Guangdong, China
Objective The effect of catalytic diesel blending ratio on mixed diesel hydrogenation process was investigated. Methods Aiming at the requirement of material balance in a refinery and the requirement of increasing the blending ratio of catalytic diesel in diesel hydrogenation industrial unit, taking the hydrogenation process of mixed diesel as the research object, the effect of blending ratio of catalytic diesel on hydrogenation process parameters(average reaction temperature), product distribution and product properties were investigated on a hydrogenation pilot plant. The correlation between hydrogenation process parameters and blending ratio of catalytic diesel was established. Results (1) The material composition tends to be heavier and inferior with the increase of catalytic diesel blending ratio, which leads to a significant increase for hydrogenation difficulty. (2) The established correlation formula between sulfur content in refined diesel, average reaction temperature and catalytic diesel blending ratio could guide the adjustment of process parameters in a certain range. (3) Under the same conditions, with the increase of catalytic diesel blending ratio, the conversion rate of mixed diesel decreased rapidly. Considering the catalyst lifetime, the demands of producing high quality reforming raw material as well as the requirement of producing 3# jet fuel, it is more suitable to adjust the blending ratio of catalytic diesel to about 30%. The blending ratio could be appropriately increased when the product properties were surplus, and the calibration was completed in industrial plant at the same time. Conclusion sThe influence of blending ratio of inferior raw materials on hydrogenation process parameters such as average reaction temperature, products distribution and product properties of hydrocracking were clarified, which can provide reference for similar industrial hydrogenation unit blending inferior raw materials.
Key words:  catalytic diesel  blending ratio  mixing diesel  hydrogenation process