引用本文:杨宇栗,刘强,李剑. LNG加气站供销差产生原因分析与管控[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 61-65.
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目的 供销差一直是LNG加气站管控的难点,降低LNG加气站供销差,特别是低效LNG加气站的供销差,对于成本控制具有重要意义。方法 根据场站实际生产运营情况,从上游计量、销售计量、贸易采购、卸车工艺和储存等方面,全面分析LNG加气站供销差产生的具体原因。 对影响加气站供销差较大的一些因素如气源采购、工艺管道设计、绝热保冷施工、潜液泵安装、储罐放散控制和建站方式等针对性地采取管控措施。结果 通过工艺改造后的实践数据测定、生产运行的精细化管理,有效降低了LNG加气站的供销差。结论 LNG加气站在初始设计和实际运营管理阶段,应根据LNG物性特点,确定场站建设标准和加强管控以降低供销差,从而提高LNG加气站利润。 
关键词:  LNG加气站  供销差  原因分析  管控措施 
Cause analysis and control of supply and sales difference in LNG filling stations
Yang Yuli1, Liu Qiang2, Li Jian1
1. Inner Mongolia Huayou Natural Gas Co., Ltd. Azuoqi Branch, Alxa, Inner Mongolia, China;2. Baotou Gas and Heat Management Office, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China
Objective The supply and sales difference has always been a key point in the management and control of LNG filling stations. Reducing the supply and sales difference of LNG filling stations, especially inefficient LNG filling stations, is of great significance for cost control. Methods According to the actual production and operation status of the station, the specific reasons for the supply and sales difference of LNG filling stations are comprehensively analyzed from the aspects of sales measurement, trade procurement, unloading process and storage. For some factors that enlarging supply and sales difference, the targeted control measures shall be taken from the aspects of gas source procurement, process pipeline design, thermal insulation construction, submersible pump installation, tank release control and station construction mode, etc. Results Through the measurement of practical data after the process transformation and the refined management of production and operation, the supply and sales difference of LNG filling stations has been effectively reduced. Conclusion sIn the initial design stage and actual operation and management stage of LNG filling stations, we should confirm the station construction standard and strengthen the management and control of LNG filling stations to reduce supply and sales difference according to characteristics of LNG properties, so as to improve the profit of LNG filling stations.
Key words:  LNG filling station  supply and sales difference  cause analysis  control measures