引用本文:暴丹,周华安,刘思源,冯学荣,黄文章,肖金裕,等. 油基钻井液高效除硫体系优化实验[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 66-72.
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1.重庆科技学院;2.重庆市油气田化学工程技术研究中心 ;3.中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司钻井液技术服务公司
目的 解决川东北含硫气藏在钻井过程中存在的H2S污染油基钻井液、 H2S溢出造成的安全风险问题。方法 建立了H2S污染油基钻井液室内评价方法和评价参数,优选了油基钻井液用高效除硫剂和复合除硫体系配方。结果 除硫效果优异的单剂为液体除硫剂YT-1、碱式碳酸锌JD-2、醇醚酰胺CLC,饱和度分别为56.48 mg/g、21.13 mg/g、5.8 mg/g,高温老化除硫率分别为90.10%、82.60%和75.23%,与油基钻井液配伍性良好。优化形成的复合除硫体系配方4%(w)YT-1+2%(w)JD-2,在质量浓度为75 mg/L的H2S污染油基钻井液后,出口质量浓度达到0.015 mg/L所用时间仅为1.21 min,加入复合除硫体系后,该时间则达到171.8 min。污染后的油基钻井液高温老化后H2S质量浓度为0.078 mg/L,加入复合除硫体系后,H2S质量浓度为0 mg/L,除硫率达100%。结论 除硫单剂协同作用提高除硫效果,为川东北地区高含硫地层“安全、高效”钻井提供了技术保障。 
关键词:  H2S  油基钻井液  评价方法  除硫剂  复合除硫体系 
Optimization experiment of efficient hydrogen sulfide removal system for oil-based drilling fluid
Bao Dan1,2, Zhou Huaan3, Liu Siyuan1,2, Feng Xuerong3, Huang Wenzhang1,2, Xiao Jinyu3, Lu Hao1,2
1. Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China;2. Chongqing Oil and Gas Field Chemical Engineering Technology Research Center, Chongqing, China;3. CCDC Drilling Fluid Technology Service Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The sulfur remover suitable for oil-based drilling fluid was studied to solve the problems, such as pollution of oil-based drilling fluid by hydrogen sulfide and safety risk caused by hydrogen sulfide overflow in the drilling process of sulfur-bearing gas reservoir in northeastern Sichuan. Methods The evaluation method and parameters of oil-based drilling fluid contaminated by hydrogen sulfide were established. The formulation of high efficiency sulfur removal agent and compound sulfur removal system for oil-based drilling fluid were optimized. Results The single agents with excellent sulfur removal effect were liquid sulfur removal agent YT-1, zinc carbonate basic JD-2 and alcohol ether amide CLC, with the saturation of 56.48 mg/g, 21.13 mg/g and 5.8 mg/g, respectively, the high temperature aging sulfur removal rates of 90.10%, 82.60% and 75.23%, and they showed good compatibility with oil-based drilling fluid. The compound sulfur removal system formulation of 4%YT-1+2%JD-2 was optimized. For the 75 mg/L hydrogen sulfide contaminated oil-base drilling fluid, the time to reach the outlet concentration of 0.015 mg/L was only 1.21 min, which reached 171.8 min after adding the compound sulfur removal system. The H2S concentration of the contaminated oil-based drilling fluid was 0.078 mg/L after high temperature aging, and the H2S concentration was 0 mg/L after adding the compound sulfur removal system, and the sulfur removal rate reached 100%. Conclusion sThe single agent of sulfur removal can improve the sulfur removal effect, providing technical support for the safe and efficient drilling in the high sulfur formation in northeastern Sichuan.
Key words:  hydrogen sulfide  oil-based drilling fluid  evaluation method  hydrogen sulfide remover  compound sulfur removal system