引用本文:高春华,刘仁杰,杨建军,赵红亮,魏巍,谢静静. MDEA中烃类杂质脱除实验及过滤系统优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 19-24.
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目的 某天然气净化厂在胺法气体脱硫工艺应用过程中,溶液易产生降解污染、发泡等问题。引入机械过滤和MDEA离子交换净化复活技术,在一定程度上缓解了溶液氧化降解污染的问题。但针对溶液中烃类、表面活性剂等导致溶液易发泡的杂质脱除尚未形成成熟的应用经验。为了解决气田开发中后期存在的脱硫胺液杂质污染、发泡频繁的问题,开展了胺液中烃类杂质脱除技术的实验研究。方法 对胺液进行活性炭吸附实验和发泡性能评价,优选出适用于天然气净化的活性炭。结果 活性炭材质过滤实验和发泡实验结果表明,吸附效果较好的活性炭为椰壳活性炭,且碘值越高、颗粒直径越小的椰壳吸附效果越好。但粒径过小会对胺液造成二次污染,导致下游管线堵塞风险增加。根据过滤前后胺液浊度、油分脱除率和发泡实验结果对比,从厂家寄送的样品中优选出30~40目(380~550 μm)、碘值为1 142 mg/g的椰壳活性炭作为气田天然气脱硫胺液脱除烃类杂质的过滤器滤材。结论 优选适当碘值和强度的椰壳活性炭作为天然气脱硫胺液活性炭过滤器滤芯材料,并在其下游增加机械过滤器,进一步脱除溶液中机械杂质及活性炭粉末,减少溶液污染发泡频率。优化改造后,装置运行稳定,发泡拦液情况得到明显改善。 
关键词:  胺液污染  烃类  过滤  吸附  活性炭  椰壳  发泡 
Removal experiment of hydrocarbon impurities in MDEA and optimization of filtration system
Gao Chunhua, Liu Renjie, Yang Jianjun, Zhao Hongliang, Wei Wei, Xie Jingjing
No.1 Gas Production Plant, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Yulin, Shaanxi, China
Objective The application of amine method gas desulfurization process in a natural gas purification plant was prone to producing solution pollution, foaming, and other issues. The introduction of mechanical filtration and MDEA ion exchange purification and reactivation technology partly alleviated the problem of solution oxidation degradation pollution. However, mature application experience has not yet been formed for the removal of organic impurities that are prone to foaming in the solution, such as hydrocarbons and surfactants. In order to solve the problems of organic impurity pollution and frequent foaming of desulfurization amine solution in the middle and later stages of gas field development, experimental research was conducted on the removal technology of hydrocarbon impurities in amine solution. Methods The activated carbon adsorption experiments and foaming performance evaluation of amine solution were carried out, and the optimal activated carbon suitable for natural gas purification was selected. Results The results of filtration experiments and foaming experiments of activated carbon materials indicated that coconut shell activated carbon had a better adsorption effect. Coconut shell activated carbon with higher iodine value and smaller particles had a higher adsorption effect. However, too small particle size would bring secondary pollution to amine solution, resulting in increased risk of downstream pipeline blockage. According to the comparison of the turbidity of amine solution, oil removal rate and foaming experiment results before and after filtration, the coconut shell activated carbon with 30-40 mesh (380-550 μm ) and iodine value of 1 142 mg/g was selected from the samples sent by the manufacturer as the filter material for removing hydrocarbon impurities from the amine solution for desulfurization of natural gas in gas field. Conclusion sThe coconut shell activated carbon with appropriate iodine value and strength was preferred as the activated carbon filter element material for natural gas desulfurization amine solution, and a mechanical filter was added downstream to further remove mechanical impurities and activated carbon powder in the solution and reduce the foaming frequency of solution pollution. After optimization and transformation, the device runs smoothly, and the foaming and liquid blocking conditions are significantly improved.
Key words:  amine solution pollution  hydrocarbons  filtration  adsorption  activated carbon  coconut  foaming