引用本文:邱正秋,皇甫林. 哌嗪类有机胺溶液捕集CO2性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 25-29.
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目的 开发合适的有机胺脱碳溶液。方法 分别以PZ、1MPZ、HEP和AEP为吸收剂,考查了哌嗪类有机胺溶液的CO2吸收/解吸性能。结果 PZ溶液和AEP溶液的CO2吸收性能明显优于1MPZ溶液和HEP溶液,但二者的解吸率相对较低,不利于有机胺溶液的循环使用。1MPZ溶液解吸率虽大于85.00%,但其易挥发性导致CO2循环吸收容量大幅降低,从而使其工业应用受限。而HEP溶液的解吸率约90.00%,且经4次循环吸收/解吸实验后,其CO2吸收容量和解吸率变化幅度低于1%。结论 HEP溶液性能稳定,更适用于工业CO2捕集过程,具有良好的应用前景。 
关键词:  哌嗪类有机胺  CO2捕集  吸收  解吸  循环 
Research on CO2 capture performance of piperazine-based organic amine solution
Qiu Zhengqiu, Huangfu Lin
State Key Laboratory of Vanadium and Titanium Resources Comprehensive Utilization, Pangang Group Research Institute Co., Ltd., Panzhihua, Sichuan, China
Objective The aim is to develop a suitable organic amine solution for the removal of CO2. Methods The CO2 absorption/desorption performance of piperazine-based organic amine solutions were investigated using PZ, 1MPZ, HEP and AEP as absorbers. Results The CO2 absorption performance of the PZ solution and AEP solution was superior than that of the 1MPZ solution and HEP solution obviously, but the desorption effeciency of the two solutions was relatively low, which was not beneficial to the circulation of organic amine solutions. Although the desorption effeciency of 1MPZ solution was more than 85.00%, its volatility led to a considerable reduction in the CO2 circular absorption capacity, which limited industrial application. While the desorption effeciency of the HEP solution was about 90.00%, and the variation range of both CO2 absorption capacity and desorption effeciency was lower than 1% after 4 cycles of the absorption/desorption experiments. Conclusion sThe HEP solution has excellent stability, so it is more suitable for the industrial CO2 capture process, and has a great application prospect.
Key words:  piperazine-based organic amine  CO2 capture  absorption  desorption  circulation