引用本文:邓春萍,马闻馨,黄腾,肖鹏,张益臣,杜国勇,等. 清水钻屑土壤化利用可行性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 121-128.
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1.西南石油大学化学化工学院;2.中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司西南物探分公司 ;3.中国石油浙江油田分公司
目的 评估清水钻屑的环境风险,探讨其土壤化的可行性及环境安全性。方法 系统分析清水钻屑的理化性质、微生物组成、污染特性,并开展清水钻屑土壤化实验。结果 清水钻屑主要组分与表层土壤组分相似;钻屑粒径分布较广,不同来源的钻屑粒径分布差异较大;保水率极差,肥力较低;与表层土壤相比,清水钻屑中的细菌多样性与之相当,但真菌的多样性明显更低;清水钻屑中油含量、生物毒性、重金属含量均低于相关标准;土壤化实验结果显示部分处理中植物体内的Cr、Hg、Pb含量超过相关标准,按不同比例与土壤混合后,植物体内重金属含量明显降低,符合食品安全标准。结论 清水钻屑环境风险小,其土壤化利用安全性较高,但肥力较低,不宜直接作为种植土壤;可通过与土壤按不同比例混合、选用不同植物或种植非食用植物等措施,控制重金属生物富集风险,实现清水钻屑土壤化安全有效的利用。 
关键词:  清水钻屑  土壤化  重金属  环境风险  生物毒性 
Feasibility study on soil utilization of clear water drilling cuttings
Deng Chunping1, Ma Wenxin1, Huang Teng2, Xiao Peng1, Zhang Yichen3, Du Guoyong1, Zhang Linjing3
1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. BGP Southwest Geophysical Company, CNPC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Objective The aim is to evaluate the environmental risk and explore the feasibility of clear water drilling cuttings soilization. Methods The structural and chemical properties, microbial composition and pollution characteristics of clear water drilling cuttings were analyzed systematically, and the soilization experiment of clear water drilling cuttings was also carried out. Results The main components of clear water drilling cuttings are similar to those of surface soil. The particle size distribution of cuttings is wide and the particle size distribution of cuttings from different sources varies greatly. The water retention rate is very poor and the fertility is low. Compared with the surface soil, the diversity of bacteria in the cuttings was similar; However, the diversity of fungi was significantly lower. The oil content, biological toxicity and heavy metal content of clear water drilling cuttings were all lower than relevant standards. The results of soilization experiment showed that in some treatments, the contents of Cr, Hg and Pb in plants exceeded the relevant standards, After mixing with soil in different proportions, the concentration of heavy metals in plants decreased significantly, which could meet the food safety standards. Conclusion sClear water drilling cuttings exhibit low environmental risk, high soilization security, but low fertility, thus it is not suitable to be used as planting soil directly. The risk of heavy metal bioaccumulation can be controlled by mixing with soil in different proportions, selecting different plants or planting non-edible plants, etc., so as to realize the safe and effective soilization of clear water drilling cuttings.
Key words:  clear water drilling cuttings  soilization  heavy metal  environmental risk  biological toxicity