引用本文:张竹梅. 液化石油气脱硫醇有机废气减排技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 129-134.
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目的 炼化企业广泛采用液-液催化氧化脱硫醇工艺脱除液化石油气(LPG)等轻质油品中的硫醇,该过程产生有机废气并带恶臭气味,是VOCs治理难题之一,为从源头上解决该问题,开发了1种脱硫醇有机废气减排技术。方法 基于对LPG脱硫醇过程反应规律的认识,对废气形成特点和影响氧耗因素进行分析,由此确定通过气体内循环技术,以氧气替代工厂风,增加原料预处理进行流程整合,并进行工业应用。结果 该技术在某炼化企业实施后,循环气中氧气和烃类组分的平均体积分数分别为9.7%和21.7%,注氧的氧气体积分数不小于90.0%,有机废气排放量由原来的97.6 m3/h减为0.0 m3/h,取得了良好的应用效果,实现了脱硫醇有机废气零排。结论 脱硫醇有机废气减排技术可以将其有机废气排放量减至0,从源头上实现VOCs治理,满足日益严格的环保要求和炼化企业清洁生产、减排要求。 
关键词:  液化石油气  脱硫醇  有机废气  气体内循环  减排  零排 
Organic waste gas emission reduction technology in liquefied petroleum gas sweetening unit
Zhang Zhumei
Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, Beijing, China
Objective Liquid-liquid catalytic oxidation sweetening process is widely used by refinery enterprises to remove the mercaptan in liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and other light hydrocarbon products. However, organic waste gas produced in the process with odor, is one of the challenge in VOCs treatment. The objective of this study is to develop an sweetening organic waste gas emission reduction technology to solve the problem from the source. Methods Based on the understanding of the reaction of LPG sweetening process, this study analyzed the formation characteristics of waste gas and the factors affecting oxygen consumption, which enabled the development and industrial application of the gas internal circulation technology to replace the factory air with oxygen and add the raw material pretreatment for process integration. Results In a refinery and chemical enterprise equipped with the developed technology, the average volume fraction of oxygen and hydrocarbon components in circulating gas was 9.7% and 21.7%, respectively, while the volume fraction of injected oxygen was not less than 90.0% and the emission of organic waste gas was reduced from 97.6 m3/h to 0.0 m3/h, achieving good application effect realize the zero emission of sweetening organic exhaust gas. Conclusion sThe emission reduction technology can reduce the organic waste gas emission to 0.0 m3/h, carry out the VOCs treatment at the source, and meet the increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements and the clean production and emission reduction requirements of the refining and chemical enterprises.
Key words:  liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)  sweetening  organic waste gas  gas internal circulation  emission reduction  zero emission